Article: Faculty Case Log Review

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Faculty Case Log Review
Member Types:

The Case Log feature allows students to enter their clinical experiences and track patient encounters. When students submit their Case Logs, you can review them. You can also pull a report and filter by your specific needs.

Step 1:

From your home screen, click the "Case Logs" tab. You can access this feature by clicking the related announcement tab under your Faculty Notifications section.

Members home page highlighting Case Log button in nav bar and the You have case logs to review button in notifications.

If you do not see the "Case Logs" button, click "More" and from the drop-down, select "Case Logs" to open the Manage Case Logs screen.

Step 2:

On the Manage Case Logs screen, find the Case Log Type (you may have more than one Case Log Type depending on the Institution or if you are connected to multiple locations) and click the Case Log Type link.

Manage Case Logs table pointing to Case Log type.

Case Logs Table

This table is filtered by Requires Attention and Historical.

Log Requires Attention

Step 1:

If the Case Log requires approval, click the "Requires Attention" button.

Manage table highlighting Requires Attention button.

Step 2:

On the Manage screen, click the "Edit" (pencil) icon in the Actions column.

Manage Case Log Table pointing to edit button.

Step 3:

On the Case Log detail screen, review the Log as needed.

Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and enter any notes in the "Faculty Notes" area and set it to either "Approve," "Deny," or "Needs Info."

Case Log approval form highlighting Notes text area and Save, Save & Next, and Skip button.

NOTE: The 'Needs Info' selection will send the Log back to the member and allow them to review and change their Log if necessary. While selecting 'Approve' or 'Deny' locks the log and continues the approval process.

Step 4:

Once you've selected the approval action and entered any notes, click "Save" to save the Log and exit, or "Save & Next" to save the Log and move to the next Log requiring attention.

Save, Save & Next, and Skip button example.

Historical Logs

If you want to see further details of Logs already submitted/approved while on the Case Log table, click "Historical" to change your view.

View Case Log

While on the Case Log table, click the "View" (eye) icon in the Actions column.

Historical Case Log table highlighting View icon.

Case Log Reports

The following instructions will provide information on completing a case log report.

Step 1:

Following the directions above, click on ""Case Logs".

Nav bar pointing to Case Logs button and Review case log button in the Notifications area.

Step 2:

Click on the "Case Log Type" link.

Manage Case Logs table, pointing to Case Log type.

Step 3:

Click on "Case Log Report" while on the Case Log screen.

Manage case log highlighting Case Log report button.

Step 4:

Here, you will see details and a report of the case logs you have been connected with (based on your rotations).

You can filter your results using the various filter drop-down menus, including "Member," "Encounter Date - Start," "Encounter Date - End," "Preceptor," "Rural Visit," "Underserved Area/ Population," and "Group Encounter."

To Apply filters: Select what you want to filter by and click "Submit".

Report optional filters highlighting submit button.

Click the Print above the results to print the Case Log Report.

Report header showing Print button.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

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