ACEMAPP provides resources for users, including help desk guides with step-by-step instructions, online webinar training for registered school and clinical site users, a video library, and the ACEMAPP Customer Support team.
ACEMAPP Help Desk:
Step 1:
Access the ACEMAPP Help Desk by clicking the "Help Desk" tab at the top of any ACEMAPP page.

Step 2:
Search by keyword or use the "Categories" to view help desk guides on a specific topic.

ACEMAPP Training
Step 1:
Access ACEMAPP training by clicking the "Training" tab at the top of any ACEMAPP page. Registration is required for all training opportunities. You must be logged in to register.

Step 2:
Locate a training by clicking the "Categories" on the left or by clicking the training events shown on the calendar.

NOTE: Available training is dependent on your account type. Webinar trainings are only offered for school and clinical site users. You may request assistance by contacting us at, by phone at 844-233-4292, or by submitting a support ticket.
Step 3:
Click the training you would like to attend on the calendar. Review the information in the pop-up for the training selected. If this is the training you want to attend, click the green "Register" button.

Join a Webinar:
Step 1:
Click the "Registered" button at the top left of the "Training" page.

Step 2:
Click the blue "Join" button to open the webinar.

Cancel Your Webinar Registration:
Step 1:
To cancel your webinar registration, click the "Registered" button at the top left of the "Training" page.

Step 2:
Click on the red "X" to cancel your registration.