What's New: Sharing Your School’s ACEMAPP Subscription

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What's New: Sharing Your School’s ACEMAPP Subscription content

Sharing Your School’s ACEMAPP Subscription

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Sharing Your School’s ACEMAPP Subscription  

Your school’s ACEMAPP subscription covers not only your program, but all programs at your organization. Fellow programs will not have to pay an additional subscription fee and will even have the option for à la carte student rates if they are not using ACEMAPP to schedule clinical rotations.  
In fact, fellow programs can use ACEMAPP’s a la carte pricing to access only one or two of the following features for student onboarding & management.

  1. Learning Management System: Assign students to standard ACEMAPP courses such as HIPAA, OSHA, and Bloodborne Pathogens, or allow us to upload your own custom courses.

  2. Requirement Tracking: Assign forms, documents, surveys, evaluations, and other custom requirements. Monitor student progress, send reminders, and be notified of changes in real time.

  3. Clinical Encounter Tracking: Allow students and faculty to submit and review detailed clinical encounters, such as patient visits, simulations, and virtual time. Total hours can be recorded and linked with more detailed records.

If you have any questions, please contact us at support@acemapp.org or 822-223-4292.