Beaumont Placement Process

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Beaumont Placement Process content

  • University/College begins the student process in Acemapp (same process for both cohort & preceptor rotations)
  • When student/faculty requirements are complete in Acemapp, the university can then assign student/faculty to a clinical rotation. They "notify site of roster" which will forward the rotation with faculty/student information to the Beaumont Nursing Student e-mail address for processing.
  • Universities are required to submit this information 2 weeks prior to the rotation start date given in Acemapp. If not received timely, Beaumont processing may not be completed by the clinical rotation start date and clinical starts may be delayed.
  • If information is not in Acemapp by the rotation start date; the clinical rotation will be cancelled.
  • Instructions & student ID#'s are then sent out using the e-mail address provided in Acemapp.
  • Student/faculty roster data is forwarded to Beaumont's security dept. for ID#'s and EPIC access, which takes appx 5-8 days to process.
  • Pyxis/badge forms are requested for faculty only. Directions on obtaining these documents are in the Orientation Module. Students must wear their school badge and uniform while on-site.
  • E-mails are sent to students/faculty with their ID#'s and instructions for completing Beaumont specific training - these differ from the Acemapp required modules. It is ESSENTIAL that students/faculty read the e-mail completely and follow the directions carefully.
  • Modules consist of orientation, compliance, and EPIC training. Orientation and compliance training is required annually; EPIC training is required only once.
  • University coordinators and faculty are notified of students/faculty that fail to complete training prior to the start date given in Acemapp.
  • The clinical rotation cannot start until ALL student/faculty training is complete.

Senior Practicum/Leadership/Immersion Students - follow the same process above. When the Beaumont training is complete, an e-mail is sent to the student, faculty, preceptor and unit manager with contact information. Student/faculty can then contact the preceptor they have been matched with to arrange their schedule.