Henry Ford Macomb Clinical Nurse Rotation/Faculty

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Henry Ford Macomb Clinical Nurse Rotation/Faculty content

Welcome Letter

IMPORTANT HF Macomb is now using ICU Medical Plum 360 Pumps I

All students and faculty must complete EPIC training and the 4 HF University modules prior to going to the floor. Having trouble with EPIC and accessing the University modules please email Wendy Spilko (wspilko1@hfhs.org). Please don't escalate to IT - you don't have an employee number, and they then send it through a security check and that will delay your access.

Any rotations or students added late are not guaranteed an EPIC training date. EPIC requires at least 3 weeks in advance to add or create an Epic training class.

**Students and faculty must use their school email and a phone number they can be contacted at (not the school phone number). Outside emails are blocked by HF security walls.**

You can sign **out a WOW from IT. They are located in the Medical Office Building in the basement. Take the elevators by the outpatient pharmacy to the basement. Make a left off the elevator and IT is on your left. Ring the doorbell and they will show you how to sign out a WOW and the return policy. Any troubles please let us know.

To request for observation experience on another unit( e.g., ED, ICU, cath lab, cancer care center, etc.) for 3rd and 4th year students - Please have nursing faculty please contact Wendy Spilko @ WSpilko1@hfhs.org “

All faculty and nursing students can access HF policies during their clinical rotation. The policies below are 2 that we thought pertained specially to nursing clinicals:

**HF Macomb's Tier 2 Policy [Nursing Student-Faculty Responsibilities] https://pstat-live-media.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf_cache/policy/12807588/e412182c-0027-4cd3-8327-d4d8b814abd2/Tier%202-%20Nursing%20Student-Faculty%20Responsibilities.pdf

** Henry Ford Tier 1 policy for [Treatment of self and Family Policy] https://pstat-live-media.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf_cache/policy/10507288/1c5f7952-1890-4835-b8b2-b61e210a72dc/Tier%201-%20Treatment%20of%20Self%20and%20Family%20Members.pdf

[Emergency Plain Language Alerts] (https://acemapp.org/file-manager/get/ypxd715XHx0x637babda8cc9f)

[Mask vs No Mask / COVID symptoms] (https://acemapp.org/file-manager/get/PHP5pjFs8x0x64501ef0ed69d)

[Students-Please park in the NE section of the North lot. In the rows closest to the Green Employee spaces. Thank you.

Park in General Access Green Area Along 19 Mille or in the North Lot

[ Complete Faculty/Student Agreement & upload to the ACEMAPP Rotation you are attending - this must be completed prior to first day of clinical **you must sign and print your name with the date, then upload in ACEMAPP** ] Faculty-Student Agreement

Students are to have their school ID badge at all times. DO NOT GET AN ID FROM SECRUITY WEAR YOUR SCHOOL ID!!!!

Clinicals in the North Tower or on Unit 35, the instructor/student can sign out a student badge from Wendy Spilko (office on 4600 / wspilko1@hfhs.org). All badges are to be returned on last day of clinical. $10 fee if a student loses the badge.

[EPIC Training Dates for New Faculty 2025] Epic Training Dates 2025-Faculty

Preceptor Clinicals Student is assigned one preceptor. If that preceptor calls in the students cannot work with another RN. The school is to provide the HF preceptor RN a copy of the syllabus for a guideline. The faculty overseeing the preceptor clinicals needs to stop in at the security desk at the entrance and obtain a temporary badge which is a sticker. The faculty will need their driver's license, school ID, and be able to speak to what unit they are going to.