Basic Placement Information and Hours

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Basic Placement Information and Hours content

The primary caseload will be outpatient.
This site includes inpatient acute care as a smaller part of the caseload.
We treat all ages and any diagnosis that walks in the door.

You can review goniometric and edema measurement methods for the hand and modalities (what they are and why you would use them).

I encourage review of diagnosis as patients are scheduled, since we never know what we will see.

I like to give my students a chance to stop by before they start, so if you would like to come by to take a tour and just meet for a little while that would be great. Email me to setup a time.

Dress clothes are business casual. If you need further clarification, just ask.

A name tag will be provided (as noted by the need for a picture).

Although these hours may change as needed my current hours are:
Monday: 7 am to 4:30 pm
Tuesday: 7 am to 4 pm
Wednesday: 7 am to 4 pm
Thursday: 7 am to 12 pm
Friday: 7 am to 4:30 pm

Feel free to email any questions you have.

Paula Myers, OTRL, CLT-UE
Occupational Therapist
MidMichigan Medical Center - Clare
602 Beech Street
Suite 2100
Clare, Michigan 48617
(989)802-5222 (direct line with voice mail)