Clinical Education Made Simple.
ACEMAPP Collaboration allows schools, clinical sites, and regional consortiums to connect online and in-person. Through personalized consultation, we will help you to streamline your clinical education process, including rotation scheduling and compliance management. ACEMAPP allows you to monitor student progress in real time, see and share information with partners, and pull custom reports at a moment’s notice. Personalized training, consultation, and support is included with every membership.
Efficient Communication
Rotation Management
Compliance Management
ACEMAPP acts as a central platform to communicate and collaborate efficiently with partners, staff, students, faculty, vendors, and any other partners you may have. |
Create, customize and manage clinical rotation schedules across all affiliated sites and programs. Decisions, updates, and student progress are shown in real time. |
Compliance standards are clearly outlined to all partners. Data needed for provisioning is collected and sent to the partners and departments that require it automatically.