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Faculty content


As a clinical instructor at Southwest General Health Center (SWGHC), you are responsible to review and understand the following materials as well as the Cerner EMR navigation videos (located on the Instructor Training Videos tab).


The following process has been developed to streamline the manner in which nursing clinical rotations and practicums are managed at SWGHC. Please review the process algorithm below as deviation may create a delay in processing requests.

Nursing Student Algorithm (DOCX)

Three weeks prior to the start date of the rotation, rosters must be provided with clinical instructor and student information.


Nursing Instructor/Student Guide

Pre-Arrival Information Review/Documents Required

Clinical Instructor Training - Two Components

All instructors that have not facilitated a rotation at SWGHC within the last twelve (12) months must view the Cerner EMR navigation videos prior to in-person skill review. Please contact Mallory Frederick 440-816-5780 / MFrederick@swgeneral.com to schedule your orientation. All new clinical instructors are required to take a medication exam.

Undergraduate Student Nurse Policy CP-16 (PDF): http://sharepoint/depts/Nursing/Nursing%20Practice%20Manual/Clinical%20Policies/CP%20-%20016%20Undergraduate%20Nursing%20Students.pdf

Policy 614 Uniform, Dress and Grooming Guidelines Please note that sweatshirts or hooded sweatshirts are not permitted to be worn on clinical units

Policy 650 Access to Information Systems

**Vaccine Documentation***

Flu Vaccine Requirements for Nursing Students and Instructors 2024-2025

Please communicate the following with all students/clinical instructors having clinical rotations at Southwest General Health Center through March 31,2025.

All personnel/students providing direct care, must receive an influenza vaccine OR wear a mask whenever they come within a six-foot radius of patients during influenza season (November 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025). Note: Covid 19 Vaccine is recommended but not required.

Policy 610- Parking Regulations

Faculty & Student Parking Locations

Medication Test Practice

Infusion Management

Please review the following power point and links prior to your clinical arrival:
Infusion Management

Arrival Information/Documents for Clinical Instructors and Students


    • Students and instructors are required to obtain their badge prior to their orientation at SWGHC. Please schedule an appointment to obtain your badge by calling: 440-816-8025. Complete the Badge Access Form and bring your driver’s license to your appointment. A $10.00 fee will be charged for any badges not returned.
    • Human Resource office hours for student badges:
      Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM

    Badge Access Form

Unit Specific Checklist

Faculty/clinical instructor is responsible for ensuring the unit specific checklist is completed and returned via email to Brigid Dunlap (bdunlap@swgeneral.com / or interoffice mail) within 24 hours of orientation.

Unit Specific Checklist

Unit Specific Orientation Attendance Record

Faculty/clinical instructor is responsible for the Unit Specific Orientation Attendance Record to run this document in within 24 hours of orientation completion. Failure to do so will prevent in escalation to the Program Director. Submit form to Brigid Dunlap ().

Unit Specific Orientation Attendance Record

Computer Sign on Instructions

Computer Sign On Instructions

Single Sign On - Fingerprint Management

Single Sign On- Fingerprint Management