As students at Southwest General Health Center (SWGHC), you are responsible to review and understand the following materials.
The following process has been developed to streamline the manner in which nursing clinical rotations and practicums are managed at Southwest General Health Center.
Nursing Instructor/Student Guide
[Clinical Policy CP-016 Undergraduate Nursing Students]:Found here
Policy 614 Uniform, Dress and Grooming Guidelines Please note that sweatshirts and hooded sweatshirts are not allowed to be worn on clinical units
Policy 650 Access to Information Systems
**Vaccine Documentation***
Flu Vaccine Requirements for Nursing Students 2024-2025
Please communicate the following with all students having clinical rotations at Southwest through March 31,2025.
Students must comply by November 1st, 2024
All designated Southwest General personnel providing direct care must receive an influenza vaccine or wear a mask whenever they come within a six-foot radius of a patient during influenza season (November 1, 2024 thru March 31, 2025)
Thank you to your prompt attention to this matter.
Vaccine documents should be uploaded into ACEMAPP.
Policy 610- Parking Regulations
Faculty & Student Parking Locations
Please review the following power point and links prior to your clinical arrival:
Infusion Management