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Rotations content

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Welcome to Wellstar Academic Partnerships

Your school may enter your rotation requests directly into ACEMAPP.

Observation requests are available.

If you need additional information you may contact at us .

The Wellstar Academic Affairs Team:

Rotation types available:

Graduate Student Rotations

A graduate student completing a clinical rotation or school course requirements. This includes medical students, pharmacy students, advanced practice professionals such as nurse practitioners, certified registered nurse anesthetists, and physician assistants. Rotations may also include non-clinical areas such as information technology, healthcare administration and education. Rotations lengths vary from 4 weeks to a complete school semester, depending on the program of study. WellStar must have a student affiliation agreement between the school and WellStar or between the WellStar affiliated medical practice and WellStar. A WellStar employee or affiliated practice member will need to agree to precept the student before proceeding.

Pre-Licensure Nursing Student Clinical Rotation

An undergraduate nursing student completing a clinical rotation. WellStar must have a student affiliation agreement with the school. The school initiates clinical placements with WellStar Student Affiliations. Proceed as directed by your school.

Allied Health Clinical Rotation (Non-Nursing)

Student rotations give students the opportunity to study health care professionals as they work in a health care environment while under the supervision of an instructor or preceptor. The school initiates placements with the appropriate WellStar contact. Proceed as directed by your school.

Observation Requests

Observation provides students the opportunity to see a health care career first-hand. No hands-on care is provided. A WellStar employee or affiliated practice member will need to agree to precept students before proceeding. Observations are limited to 2 weeks, unless the rotation is completed through an agreement with a partner high school. Minors must have permission from their legal guardian.

WellStar wishes you much success in your career!