NP, PA, and Midwifery Students

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NP, PA, and Midwifery Students content

Welcome Advanced Practice Students to Wellstar Health System!

Wellstar Health System uses ACEMAPP to schedule and onboard students. To apply for an APP placement at Wellstar, please complete an application by following the steps below.

Unfortunately, Wellstar cannot guarantee rotations for all applications as the number of rotations is limited by preceptor availability and specialty. Please note that rotations will not be assigned until the application notification date below. You will receive a confirmation or denial of rotation availability on the listed dates. Please do not contact us before these dates, as the rotation decisions will not be completed until posted dates.

Application Schedule:

Summer Placements
Applications are due by March 30th. You will receive a notification of your Summer application's approval or denial by April 15th.

Fall Placements
Applications are due by June 30th You will receive a notification of your Fall application's approval or denial by July 15th.

Spring Placements
Applications are due by Nov 15th You will receive a notification of your Spring application's approval or denial by December 15th.

Application Steps:
Please follow these steps if you have already secured a preceptor, or if you are registering to help locate a Wellstar preceptor.

1. If you already have an ACEMAPP account, login at If you do not yet have an account, register for one here: ACEMAPP Registration

2. Once you are logged into your account, follow this link to view all available applications: Available Applications

You can search for 'Wellstar' to find Wellstar's available rotation applications. Choose the application for the correct semester you hope to rotate.

a. Find the appropriate application
b. Click the blue “Info” button next to that application.
c. Click “Apply”.
d. For the 'Connecting Entity', select your Wellstar location.
If you have a preceptor already, please choose their location as the Connecting Entity.
If you do not have a preceptor, please choose 'Wellstar Ambulatory' as a placeholder. Your actual location will be updated if your application is approved.
e. Choose your School as the Partner Entity. *Please note you must select a Wellstar location in the Connecting Entity field before being able to choose your school as the Partner Entity.
f. Complete all requested information and click "Save and Continue" on each page
g. Once you have completed each page, save the 'Confirm and Apply' tab to submit your application.

3. Upload your resume into your ACEMAPP ePortfolio. Your resume and application will be reviewed together by Wellstar.

a. Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner of your ACEMAPP page.
b. Click on ePortfolio
c. In the upper left, click 'Edit Portfolio'
d. Click 'Browse' and upload your resume
e. Click 'Save.'

You will receive an email once your application(s) have been reviewed by the Wellstar Team.

If you have questions about completing your application, please Contact the ACEMAPP Support Team.


Q: If I will be working with two preceptors for the same experience, should I complete one application or two? A: You should complete an application for each preceptor you will be working with, even if it is for the same experience. In this example, you should submit two separate applications.

Q: Do I need to apply more than once? A: You need to complete a separate application for each rotation. If you are hoping for more than one rotation, then yes, you need to apply for each rotation.

Q: If my school is not on the Partner Entity list in the application, can I still apply? A: You will need to check with your school coordinator for the next steps if your school is not showing on the Partner Entity list.