Your ACEMAPP ePortfolio

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Your ACEMAPP ePortfolio
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Your ACEMAPP ePortfolio

Your ACEMAPP ePortfolio acts as an online resume that can be made publicly visible to fellow ACEMAPP users, colleagues, and employers. Access and share information such as your education, your experience, and your accomplishments in one easy place.

Get started by logging into your ACEMAPP account at

Step 1:

You can access your ePortfolio by clicking on "Your Name" in the upper-right corner, then select "ePortfolio" in the drop-down menu.

dropdown menu highlighting ePortfolio button

Step 2:

To set up your ePortfolio, click the "Edit Portfolio" button in the upper-left corner.

Image showing an arrow pointing to the Edit Portfolio button

Step 3:

Visibility Settings:

  • Public: Information visible to anyone with your ePortfolio link.
  • Protected: Information only visible to those entities (i.e., Schools and Clinical Sites) with which you currently have a connection in ACEMAPP.
  • Private: Information is only visible to you and is entirely private.

NOTE: Connections are typically established through a Direct Affiliation, through a Rotation Assignment, or by submitting an Application.

Image showing arrows pointing to the public and private features of the ePortfolio

Using the Navigation, manage the visibility for the various aspects of your ePortfolio: Street Address, Email Address, and Phone Number.

Image showing the various drop-down menus for privacy field settings

Step 4:

To upload your CV/Resume, click the "Browse" button. Then, search your computer for the file and click "Open" to populate the filename into the browser.

Manage the visibility of your CV/Resume by using the Resume drop-down menu on the right.

Image with an arrow pointing to the browse button and the resume drop-down menu

Step 5:

You may also add a Personal Summary to your ACEMAPP ePortfolio in the Summary area. Manage the visibility of your summary using the Summary drop-down menu in the upper-right corner. When this area is complete, click "Save."

Image showing an arrow pointing to the summary window and the summary box in the upper-right corner and save button

Step 6:

Add New Item In the Navigation table, select "New Item."

Image shows new item button in navigation table

Step 7:

Select the field you want to add by clicking the radio button for that field. Then, click "Get Started" at the bottom to update that field's information.

Image showing an arrow pointing to the radio buttons and the get started button

Step 8:

Update the information for all the required fields (with the orange tag to the left of the area). Once you have entered the information, click "Save.."

Image with boxes indicating the required fields and a box with an arrow pointing to the save button

Step 9:

Run Views Report

To run the views report, click the "Views Report" tab at the top of your screen.

Image showing an arrow pointing to the views report button

The report will automatically generate the number of Protected Views and Public Views for the given date.

Image showing arrows pointing to the fields in the views report table

NOTE: If you would like assistance with your ACEMAPP ePortfolio, please get in touch with ACEMAPP Customer Support at 844-223-4292,, or you may email

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.

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