Tag: FAQ | Page 1

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Tag: FAQ | Page 1 content

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Approving Affiliations with Schools or Clinical Sites
Member Types:
An affiliation is a connection between a member and an entity (school or clinical site). This guide will walk you through the process of approving an affiliation request. You must be actively affiliated with a school or site to access their requirements.
Completing Your Profile
Member Types:
Completing your profile is an essential step to meet clinical rotation compliance. This guide from the help desk offers instructions for filling out each section of your profile.
Google 2-Factor Authentication
Member Types:
ACEMAPP offers an added layer of security by enabling Google 2-factor authentication. This feature requires a second step of verification when logging into your account, ensuring that only you can access it. Follow the steps below to enable this security measure and protect your account.
Guest School FAQ
Member Types:
Here are some common questions and answers for setting up your student(s) in ACEMAPP. This guide provides helpful information on the entire process, from logging in to managing your students' compliance.
Help Desk and Training Info
Member Types:
ACEMAPP offers resources for new users, including regularly scheduled webinar trainings for registered school and clinical site users and the Help Desk, which offers step-by-step guides for all members. Access direct assistance by contacting ACEMAPP Customer Support at 844-223-4292, by emailing support@acemapp.org, or by creating a support ticket through the Contact Us page.
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