Article: Completing Your Profile

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Completing Your Profile
Member Types:

Completing your profile is an essential step to meet clinical rotation compliance. This help desk guide provides instructions for filling out each section of your profile.

Step 1:

To update your Profile, click your "Name" in the upper right corner and select "Profile" from the drop-down menu.

Member name drop-down highlighting the profile tab.

Step 2:

Complete each section of your profile. To proceed to your home page, you must eliminate the Red "X's."

NOTE: If you are a School or Clinical User, the "General," "Security Questions," and "Google 2Factor Auth" tabs are required before accessing your home page.

Icon Status Description
Green check mark indicating a completed item. COMPLETE This section has been filled for all required elements.
Red X indicating incomplete item. INCOMPLETE This section has not been filled enough to consider Complete or it is missing Required information.
Grey dash indicating optional item. OPTIONAL FIELD This section is optional and currently has no effect on your account. This can change depending on future connections and affiliations.

Profile navigation area highlighting status indicators for profile sections.

General Tab

Enter your Name, Address, Phone Number, Birth Date, Gender, set your Theme, and if needed, update the "Enable Networking" toggle. Click "Save" before moving to a new section.

General tab in profile with green save button.

NOTE: Required fields (noted with an orange tab) are needed for specific institutions you are affiliated with.

Emergency Tab

Enter your Emergency Contact Name, Relationship, Contact Phone Number, and Contact Address. Click "Save" before moving to a new section.

Emergency contact tab in profile with green save button.

Security Info Tab

Enter your Birth City, Drivers License, Home Country, Citizenship status, the last four digits of your SSN or Student Visa, License Plate #, Vehicle Make/Model, and Mother's Maiden Name. Click "Save" before moving to a new section.

Security info tab in profile with green save button.

Custom Tab

Complete any "Custom Fields' required by your school or clinical site. Click "Save" before moving to a new section.

Custom tab in profile with green save button.


Enter any professional licenses you possess. You can also upload an image of your license. If you do not have any licenses, please leave this section blank. Click "Save" before moving to a new section.

License fields in profile with save button.


The Photo panel allows you to upload a profile photo. The image must be in a .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, or .bmp format. Click "Save" before moving to a new section.

Photo tab in profile with green save button.

NOTE: "Clear Current Photo?" must be set to "No" when attempting to upload a photo for the first time.


You must verify each email address linked to your account to receive important notifications regarding rotations, requirements, and other essential membership information. To manage your email addresses, click the "Email" tab, which will open a new window.

Email tab in profile navigation.

After making changes, please click the green "Save" button, then close out the window or click "Collaboration" to return to your profile.

Account core Email section with green save button and return to Collaboration button.

NOTE: To ensure you receive all emails from ACEMAPP, please add our email domain or our email addresses ( and to your email contacts list.


To manage your password, click the "Password" tab, which will open a new window.

Password tab in profile navigation.

ACEMAPP follows industry standards for password security and utilizes a password strength meter, which requires passwords to be at a minimum strength of 2 (out of 4). The system will dynamically show you the password score as you type and provide feedback. Your ACEMAPP password must meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum of 12 characters.
  • A score of 2 or better (out of 4).
  • Your name cannot be part of the password.

After making changes, please click the green "Save" button, then close out the window or click "Collaboration" to return to your profile.

Password tab with save button and return to Collaboration button.

NOTE: We recommend using passphrases, which are more secure and easier to remember than passwords. For instance, the passphrase "IreallyloveACEMAPP!" is easier to remember than "Ac3M4pp!"

Google 2Factor Auth

This feature allows you to add an extra layer of security to your ACEMAPP account. To enable this, click the "Google 2Factor Auth" tab, which will open a new window.

Google 2Factor Auth tab in profile navigation.

Set the "Google Authenticator?" toggle to YES and then scan the QR code with your mobile device using the Google Authenticator App. After making changes, please click the green "Save" button, then close out the window or click "Collaboration" to return to your profile.

Google two-factor authentication section with save button and return to Collaboration button.

NOTE: Once this feature is enabled, you will enter a new authentication code each time you log in to ACEMAPP.

Security Questions

All three security questions must be completed to enable two-factor authentication (shown above). To complete your security questions, click the "Security Questions" tab, which will open a new window.

Security questions tab in profile navigation.

Select a "Security Question" to answer and enter your answer in the space provided. After making changes, please click the green "Save" button, then close out the window or click "Collaboration" to return to your profile.

Security questions section with save button and return to Collaboration button.


If needed, you can opt out of email notifications from ACEMAPP. Check the box next to the notification you would like to opt out of, then click "Save" to update your settings.
NOTE: If you are a student, we advise you not to opt out of any emails, as we will only send you emails that are relevant to your account status.

Email opt-out section in profile navigation.

Entity Edit Permissions

This feature allows your school to access your profile and edit information such as your email address, date of birth, and other profile questions. To grant your school access, click inside the "New Permission" field and select your school from the drop-down menu. Click "Save" before moving to a new section.

Entity edit permissions tab in profile navigation with save button.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

A custom field is part of the profile displaying customized fields from an entity.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

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ACEMAPP strives to provide a web experience we can all take part in by default. While we are always trying to improve our accessibility, we do use some third party applications that were not created with accessibility in mind but do provide great value. In these instances we have created alternatives that are functionally identical to their non-accessible counterparts but displayed to cooperate with assistive technologies.
Email Verification
You will not be able to access your account without verifying your email. We will send a verification email to each email address on your account. Please check your email inbox, including spam folders, and click the link provided within the email to complete the verification process. Verification emails are valid for seven days, after which they will expire.
Setting Entity Edit Permission
Students and School Coordinators must work together to ensure that information in ACEMAPP matches what is used by the school and clinical site. A student has control of the General Information in their profile. In some cases, schools and clinical sites will also want to have the ability to edit this information. Students must grant permission to their respective entity if the entity wants to be able to update student's general information. 
Opt-Out Email Messages
While constantly getting email notifications can be annoying we have an Opt-Out feature that turns off these notifications so you do not not need to mark ACEMAPP email as Spam.  Once an email is tagged as Spam it is always considered as Spam/Junk and any email sent will not reach your inbox.
Getting Started with ACEMAPP
Let's get you started with ACEMAPP and find the right user guide for you.
Join a Community
Connect with an ACEMAPP Community. ACEMAPP Communities allow you to see news and updates and connect with recruiters from organizations you're interested in. You may be prompted to connect with an organization's community after you've been assigned to a rotation with them.
Security Questions
Security questions are required to enable two-factor authentication in ACEMAPP and serve as a secondary method to verify your identity when contacting ACEMAPP Support.
Custom Fields
Your school or clinical site may gather information using Custom Fields. Custom Fields are located on your home page and can also be accessed through the Custom Fields tab of your profile.
Forgot Password
After your ACEMAPP is created, you will receive a verification email and a link to set your password to log in. You can easily reset your password if you cannot find the set password link with the "Forgot Password" option.
Profile Photo Upload
Upload a Profile Picture
Overview of Student Home Page
You must navigate to your Student Home page to complete your Requirements, Custom Fields, and Learning Materials. You can also check your Announcements, Affiliations, and Rotation Details here.