Article: Certification of Completion for Assessments

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Certification of Completion for Assessments
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Certification of Completion for Assessments

The Certificate of Completion is awarded to faculty and students who have successfully passed selected ACEMAPP Assessments.

Step 1:

After viewing the Course, take the related Assessment by clicking the "Take Assessment" button. Learning Materials section pointing to Take Course button.

Step 2:

Once you complete the Assessment, you can print a certificate by clicking the " Print Certificate" button.
Learning Materials section pointing to Print Certificate.

Step 3:

To print, click either the print button in your web browser or the "Print" button on the top of your screen just above the Certificate. Certificate print preview, highlighting Print button.

To save to your computer, right-click on the Certificate and click "Save Image As".
Certificate print preview highlighting the Save image as option.

NOTE: Not all courses may have a certificate of completion. Your coordinator should contact ACEMAPP support if there is a certificate.

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