Article: Managing Membership Status

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Managing Membership Status
Member Types:

ACEMAPP defines the following statuses to indicate a member's connection to your school/site:

Status Definitions:

Members with active ACEMAPP accounts. They can be updated, managed, and assigned to clinical rotations.
Members who are not currently active in ACEMAPP but may need to be reactivated. - For example, an adjunct faculty member who is not teaching for a semester or a student taking a semester off.
Members who have successfully completed their program or whose accounts have reached their "Access End Date."
Members who no longer need access to ACEMAPP, and the access end date does not apply. - For example, a student who has dropped from their program.
Pending Member Approval:
Members who have been invited to affiliate with an organization but have not yet approved the request.
Pending Entity Approval:
Members who have requested to affiliate with an organization but have not yet been approved or denied.

Additional Items to Consider:

  1. A member who has not logged in within 18 months of account creation or has not logged in to their profile in more than 18 months will be moved to an "On-Hold" status.
  2. Members with accounts that have remained on hold for one year will be moved to a "Withdrawn" status.
  3. Member accounts that have reached their Access End Date will be placed in a "Graduated" status.
  4. If a member is moved back to Active from a Withdrawn or Graduated status, an affiliation request email and system notification will be sent to the member. The member then will be put into the "Pending Member Approval" status until they have accepted the re-affiliation with your organization.

Use the Bulk Manage feature to manage a member's status between Active, Graduated, On-Hold, or Withdrawn in ACEMAPP.

Bulk Managing Member Status

Step 1:

From your home page, click on the "Members" tab and, under the "Affiliation" column, select the relevant member type (e.g., student, faculty).

Admin home page highlights members dropdown.

Step 2:

Next, click the "Manage" dropdown and select "Bulk Manage."

Manage Student Affiliated Table showing manage dropdown and bulk manage button.

Step 3:

Once on the "Bulk Member Manage" page, use the radio buttons to change the member status of any student. You can search by student name, filter for students using the "Filter by Tag" dropdown menu or the search bar, and sort the table by clicking on the "First Name" or "Last Name" columns.

The bulk member manage page shows the status buttons and access end date field.

NOTE: When entering an "Access End" date, this date must be today or in the future, or you will get an error message. The "Access End Date" is only required when making a member active.

Step 4:

You can also click the corresponding checkbox at the bottom of the page to select all students at once. Once finished, click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page.

The bulk member manage page highlighting the select all buttons and save changes.

NOTE: When a student is moved to "Graduated" or "On-Hold," they can still be viewed by clicking on the corresponding tab at the top of the page.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

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