Bulk uploading members in ACEMAPP streamlines the process of adding multiple new members at once, saving time and ensuring efficient management. Follow the steps below to upload a CSV file with member data, allowing you to quickly integrate new members into your system.
From your home page, click "Members" and select the appropriate member type under the "Affiliation" column.
From your Members (Affiliated) table, click "Create" and select "Bulk Upload" from the dropdown menu.
Under "Step 1: Download a template," select the correct program from the dropdown menu and click the "Pull Template" button. Once the template is generated, click the "Download Template" button.
Open the file and fill out the required columns. Save the CSV file to your computer.
Please remember that accounts are created based on the email address provided. A duplicate account will be generated if an account is created with a different email for the same student. To prevent this, please check for existing accounts by navigating to your Manage Students (Affiliated) table and searching for the student under all statuses, including active, withdrawn, pending member approval, etc.
WARNING: The upload has a restriction of only 200 rows of data. If your CSV has more than 200, please upload it in batches.
NOTE: It is highly recommended you download a new template for your upload.
Under "Step 2: Upload Completed Template," click "Start Upload Process" to upload your completed template.
Select the program for the members you are uploading. You can also add any tags you would like applied to this group of members to find them quickly later (this is optional). Browse your device for the completed CSV file by clicking the "Browse" button under "Select the CSV".
When you have verified all the data is correct, click the "Submit" button.
The system also allows tags to be uploaded from the CSV file. The tag MUST already exists in the system and must match EXACTLY how it appears.
The system does allow you to upload multiple tags at once. However, the tags MUST already exist in the system; they must be separated with a vertical bar (aka a pipe |
- not to be confused with a capital i) and match precisely how they appear in the system.
NOTE: Uploading Tags WILL NOT create new tags in the system. New tags are created during the on-screen process in Step 2 by clicking the "Create New Tag" button.
Information from the CSV file is then populated into the "Review Data" section. Review and edit the information as needed. Required fields are denoted with an orange bar. Please complete all of the required information before proceeding. Fields that require attention are highlighted in red.
Once you have confirmed the data is correct, click the "Submit" button to finish.
Next, you will see a Processing Complete pop-up.
The pop-up confirms that new accounts have been successfully created. Please review to ensure that all your members are listed.
Please review the information entered. Fields that require attention are highlighted in red. Note the column the data is in and any errors these fields may contain. If a date field is highlighted, please verify that the Date is entered correctly (If it is a completion date, it cannot be a date in the future. If it is an email field, please verify that the email address is correctly typed).
If you have not yet submitted, click the "Start Over" button. Update the information entered in your CSV file, then follow the above steps to resubmit. You can also refresh the page.
NOTE: If you have already submitted, please contact ACEMAPP Support. Do not re-upload your members with corrections, which could result in duplicate accounts.
An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.
Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.