Article: Expiring Member Report

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Expiring Member Report
Member Types:

The Expiring Member Report shows members, by member type, which have an expiring requirement within an indicated, upcoming number of days.

How to Access Expiring Member Report

Step 1:

From your Home Page, click the "Reporting" tab on your navigation bar to open the Reporting Dashboard.

User home page highlighting Reporting button.

Step 2:

Select the "Members" tab and locate the "Expiring Members Report". Click "Run Report" to open the Expiring Members Report page.

Reporting Dashboard highlighting Member filter tab and Run Report button on Expiring Members report tile.

Step 3:

Select either the view "By Affiliation" or "By Rotation" button.

Expiring Members Report filter form highlighting By Affiliation and By Rotation buttons.

Step 4:

Select the "Member Type," the "Days" selection (Within the next: 10, 30, 60, 90 days), and select the "type" of data (Requirements (Standard, Tied, One-Off), Assessments, or SCORM courses). Click "Submit" to see your results.

Expiring Members Report filter form highlighting Member Type, Within the next... (days range), and Data Type selectors and Submit button.

Optional Filters:

If you have data with tags on you, you can find the tag by selecting the drop-down box.
You can also select a specific program to narrow down your results.

Expiring Members Report Results

View the Expiring Items

The report shows: the name, email address, tags, and the total expiring items found for the user within the selected days.

Step 1:

Click the "View" (eye icon) button under the Actions column to open the Expiring Requirement Report page to input filters.

Expiring Members Report output example highlighting View member button.

Step 2:

Enter the required fields such as the Start Date,and End Date, then click "Run Report."

Expiring Members Report filter options highlighting Start Date, End Date fields, Run Report, and Reset Form buttons.

Step 3:

You will be directed to Expiring Members Report Results page. This will list the name of the member, the name of all the item(s), the item type (assessment, requirement, etc.), and the date when it expires.

NOTE: You can Export the report for the individual member by clicking the "Export" button at the top-right corner of the table.

Expiring Members Report output highlighting Results table.

Step 4:

If you need to change the date range for the student, click the "Start Over" button next to the Report Filters table. Repeat Step 2 of the Expiring Member Report Results section.

Expiring Members Report output Results table highlighting Start Over button.

Export the Expiring Members Report

This will export the report for all members who are expiring within the credentials entered. At the top-right of the table, select "Export" to download the report.

Expiring Members Report output Results table highlighting Export button.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

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