Article: My Calendar

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My Calendar
Member Types:

The ACEMAPP My Calendar is a valuable tool that allows you a broad view of important dates, such as expiring requirements, events you signed up for, and assigned rotations.

Step 1:

You can access your calendar anytime while logged into ACEMAPP.

Click on your "Name" in the upper-right-hand corner of your screen.

Drop-down found by clicking Avatar/Name at the top right of the screen.

Step 2:

Click "Calendar" from the drop-down menu to open the calendar.

Calendar option in drop-down menu.

NOTE: If you do not see "Calendar" in the drop-down menu, you do not have an account type that utilizes ACEMAPP's calendar. Once you have an account type (i.e., Student) that utilizes ACEMAPP's Calendar, you can access ACEMAPP's calendar feature.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

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Overview of Student Home Page
You must navigate to your Student Home page to complete your Requirements, Custom Fields, and Learning Materials. You can also check your Announcements, Affiliations, and Rotation Details here.