Rotation Applications allow members to request directly with your organization. This is an additional feature in ACEMAPP; please contact ACEMAPP Support for further assistance.
On your main home screen, click the "Rotation Applications" button.
On the Rotations Applications screen, click on the "List" icon next to the application to open that applications submitted table. | :---: |
Next, click on the "Export Applications" icon found above the table.
Click Download. Your export will download as a CSV file.
A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.
A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.
A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.
A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.
A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.
A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.
A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.
A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.
A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.
A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.