Article: Rotation Application List Export

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Rotation Application List Export
Member Types:

Rotation Applications allow members to request directly with your organization. This is an additional feature in ACEMAPP; please contact ACEMAPP Support for further assistance.

Step 1:

On your main home screen, click the "Rotation Applications" button.

image user home screen highlighting Rotation Applications button

Step 2:

On the Rotations Applications screen, click on the "List" icon next to the application to open that applications submitted table. :---:
image Rotation Application screen highlighting List icon

Step 3:

Next, click on the "Export Applications" icon found above the table.

image Application List table highlighting Export Applications button

Step 4:

Select the appropriate export selection from the drop-down menu:
Export Pending Applications
Export Approved Applications
Export Pending and Approved Applications

Step 5:

Click Download. Your export will download as a CSV file.

A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.

A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.

A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.

A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or to affiliate with an entity.

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ACEMAPP Applications can serve a number of purposes. Applications can be used to assist with rotations, affiliation requests, employee affiliations, etc.