Article: Block Schedule Report

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Block Schedule Report
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Block Schedule Report

Step 1:

Click "Reporting" from your home page to open your Reporting Dashboard. users home page pointing to Reporting button

Step 2:

Click "Block Schedule Report." report dashboard pointing to Block Schedule Report panel

Step 3:

Fill in the required fields, Start Date, and Number of Days in Block. Fill in any optional fields. report filter section pointing to start date and number of days in block fields

Step 4:

Click the "Submit" button to run your report. report filter section pointing to submit button


Click the "Generate Excel File" to export the data into an Excel&copy. report filter section pointing to Generate Excel File

Save Report

In the Report Storage panel, save the report by entering the name to save and then click the "Save Report" button. report filter section highlighting the Report Storage panel

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ACEMAPP Reporting
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