Article: Structured Forms on Demand: User

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Structured Forms on Demand: User
Member Types:

This is an optional feature and must be turned on for your organization. Please contact an ACEMAPP Team member for assistance in turning this on. You can view and manage your entities' Structured Forms on Demand as they are created.

Step 1:

Select the "More" button in the navigation bar on your School Home page, then select the "Structured Forms on Demand" button in the drop-down.

User home page highlighting More dropdown button and Structured Forms on Demand button.

Step 2:

You can view your organization's Structured Forms on Demand. Select the "Entries" button under the Actions column to view the submitted form entries.

Structured Forms on Demand table highlighting Entries button.

Step 3:

This table shows you can view the Pending, Active, Completed, and Deleted form entries. Select the "Entry Report" button to generate a report of all completed entries.

Entries table highlighting the Entry Report button.

Step 4:

You can filter your report by Member and an Entry Creation Date Range. When ready to run the report, select the "Run Report" button.

Entry report optional filters panel highlighting Run Report button.

Step 5:

You can export your report results using the "Export" button in the top-right corner.

Report results table highlighting Export button.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

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Submitting Structured Forms On Demand
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