Article: Structured Forms on Demand: Members

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Structured Forms on Demand: Members
Member Types:

Your organization may send a Structured Form for you to complete for data and record purposes. This form does not affect compliance.

To Access Your Forms

You can create, view, and manage Structured Forms on Demand by following these steps:

Step 1:

Click on your Your Name in the upper-right corner of your screen, then select "Manage" in the Personal drop-down.

members nav-bar highlighting avatar/name and Manage button from drop-down.

Step 2:

On the Manage page, click the "Structured Forms on Demand" button.

Structured Forms on Demand button example.

On the Structured Forms On Demand Entries page, you can view and manage any Structured Forms.

Structured Forms on Demand Entries table example.

To Create an Entry

Step 1:

While on the Structured Forms On-Demand Entries, click on the "Create New Entry" button.

Structured Forms on Demand Entries table highlighting Create New Entry button.

Step 2:

Select the form you wish to fill in.

Structured Forms on Demand form highlighting select form and target fields.

Forms are predefined, and you will only have access to forms your account is configured to view.

Select the Target (If you select a Rotation type form, enter the Rotation ID. If you select a General type form, enter the entity name.).

Step 3:

Click the "Save" button.

Structured Forms on Demand form highlighting Save button.

Step 4:

Fill in the form, answer all Required fields, and click "Submit" when complete.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

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Submitting Structured Forms On Demand
Structured Forms On Demand allow members to submit a form specific to a rotation.