Article: Submitting Structured Forms On Demand

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Submitting Structured Forms On Demand
Member Types:

Structured Forms On Demand allows members to submit a form specific to a rotation.

Step 1:

From your home page, click the "Rotations" tab.

Members nav bar highlighting Rotations button.

Step 2:

Click the "Structured Forms On Demand" icon under the "Actions" column.

Rotations table example highlighting Structured Forms on Demand button.

Step 3:

Select the Structured Form from the drop-down and click "Save."

Structured Form selector example highlighting Form Selector and Save button.

Step 4:

Click "Begin Entry."

Structured Form on Demand page example highlighting Begin Entry button.

Step 5:

"Complete Entry" by completing the required fields.

Complete Entry form example highlighting Preceptor Name and Student Name fields.

Then, click "Save All Answers" or "Save and Continue."

Complete Entry form example highlighting Save All Answers and Save and Continue button.

Step 6:

Click "Submit Entry."

Complete Entry form example highlighting Submit Entry button.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

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Structured Forms on Demand: User
Structured Forms on Demand is an optional feature in ACEMAPP that allows you to fill in a pre-defined form or manage forms filled in by other members.