Article: Assure Requirement Packages

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Assure Requirement Packages
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Assure Requirement Packages

An Assure package is a set of requirements assigned to an Assure member. The Assure requirements included in a package and the approval criteria for documents uploaded to Assure requirements are determined by schools during Assure setup. All documents uploaded to Assure requirements are reviewed and managed by ACEMAPP Assure staff.

View Assure Packages

Step 1:

Click the "More" dropdown on the right from your school home page, then click "Assure Packages."

School home page showing more dropdown and Assure packages button

Step 2:

The Assure packages table displays the current Assure packages set up for your school, the package program, and the number of assigned Assure members. Click the "Members" button on the left to view the package "Member List." Click the "View" button to see the "Package Details." You may also access the bulk upload feature from this table.

Assure packages table highlighting the members and view buttons.

Step 3:

The package "Member List" displays all Assure members currently assigned to the package. The package end date is when the member will be removed from the Assure package. Click the "Manage" button to access the member's manage page. Click the "Edit" (pencil) button to manage the member's Assure packages. Click the "Audit" button to see a record of the member's assignment to the Assure package.

Package Member List highlighting edit, manage, and audit buttons.

Step 4:

The "Package Details" page displays the package name, a link to view the package member list, and a list of all requirements included in the package. Click the "View" icon next to each requirement to view the requirement description.

Package details page highlighting view icon.

Assign Packages

There are three ways to assign members to an Assure package. Please review all three options to determine which method to use.

New Assure Members

To assign a package to a group of new Assure members whose accounts you are creating, please complete all steps in the "Bulk Upload Assure Members" section of our help desk guide: Create Assure Members and Assign Packages.

Existing Assure Members

To assign a package to an existing Assure member, please use steps 4 and 5 in the "Create One Assure Account" section of our help desk guide: Create Assure Members and Assign Packages.

Students and Clinical Faculty

To add a student or clinical faculty member as an Assure member and assign them a package, please complete all steps in the "Adding Existing Members to Assure" section of our help desk guide: Create Assure Members and Assign Packages.

View and Manage Assigned Packages

Step 1:

You can view and manage assigned packages from the Assure packages "Member List" by first clicking the "Manage" button to access the member's manage page

Package member list highlighting edit and manage buttons.

Step 2:

Then, click "Assure Packages."

Member manage page showing Assure packages button.

Step 3:

Check the box next to the packages you would like to assign and uncheck the box next to the packages you would like to remove. Update the end date if needed, then click "Save."Please note that any time a member is assigned to a new Assure package, they will be billed the Assure package fee.** If your organization covers the Assure package fee, the organization will be billed. This does not apply to members who were previously assigned to the package.

Assure packages manage area highlighting checkboxes and save button.

Package Modifications

If Assure packages set up for your organization need to be modified or updated, please contact ACEMAPP Support. Changes to existing packages will incur a fee.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

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