Article: Partnerships: Document Manager

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Partnerships: Document Manager
Member Types:

The Partnership Directory document manager allows you to store and manage partnership documents, such as affiliation agreements, professional liability insurance, and policy documents. Use the document manager to share with your partners and set reminders for when the documents need to be reviewed.

Step 1:

From your home page, access the partnership directory by clicking the "Partnerships" tab.

User home page highlighting Partnerships button..

Step 2:

Click the "Partnership Documents," tab located at the top of the Partnership Directory table.

Partnership directory table highlighting Partnership Documents button.

Step 3:

This table shows all documents shared between your organization and your partners. Select the document status tab at the top to view active, outgoing, and expired documents. To view a document, click the "View" (eye) icon under the Actions column.

Partnership Documents table highlighting table filters and View button.

Upload a New Document

Step 1:

From the Partnership Directory, locate the entity you would like to upload a partnership document to, then click the "Manage Documents" button under the Actions column.

Partnership directory table highlighting Manage Documents button.

Step 2:

Click "Add Partnership Document" to open the Partnership Document form.

Manage Document page highlighting Add Partnership Document button.

Step 3:

Fill in all the required fields:

  • Will the document expire?
    • If so, enter an Expiration Date
  • Select the document type
  • Select a program(s)
  • Click "Browse" to search your device for the file you wish to upload.
    • Optional: Click the second "Browse" button to search for any Additional File(s) you wish to include.
  • Click "Save" to upload the document(s).

New Partnership Document form highlighting Save button.

Edit Partnership Documents

Step 1:

While on the Partnership Directory page, click the "Manage Documents" (paper) icon next to the document name.

NOTE: You can only edit documents uploaded by your organization.

Partnership Directory table highlighting Manage Documents button.

Step 2:

While on the Partnership Documents page, click the "Edit" (pencil) icon next to the document name.

Manage Documents table highlighting Edit button.

Step 3:

Edit the document as needed, enter any notes you wish to associate with the document and click "Save."

Edit partnership document form highlighting Save button.

Remove Partnership Documents

Step 1:

While on the Partnership Directory page, locate the partner and click the "Manage Documents" (paper) icon.

NOTE: You can only delete documents uploaded by your organization.

Partnership Directory table highlighting Manage Documents button.

Step 2:

In the table, click the "Remove" (red X) icon to delete that document.

Manage Documents table highlighting Delete button.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The end of a member’s billable, 365-day membership.

Renewal of membership is paid by the member or the entity managing them.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

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