Article: Managing Your ACEMAPP Inbox

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Managing Your ACEMAPP Inbox
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Managing your messages is easier than ever using your personal ACEMAPP Inbox. Your ACEMAPP Inbox tracks and stores important communications regarding your clinical education process.

To View Messages in Your ACEMAPP Inbox

Step 1:

Click on your "Name" in the upper right-hand corner to access the drop-down menu. Select the "Inbox" tab to view your ACEMAPP messages.

Click user name and select Inbox from drop down.

Step 2:

You will automatically be directed to your new messages. Click the message you want to view.

New messages and subjects to click to view message.

To Mark Messages as Read

Select the checkbox on the left of the email. At the top of your Inbox Table, click the "Mark Read" button to mark the email(s).

Mark emails as read and archive email options in inbox.

To View Your Read Messages

Click on the "Read" section to view messages you have previously opened or marked as read in ACEMAPP.

Read tab option in inbox to view read messages.

To Review Archived Messages

Step 1:

Click the "Archive" button at the top left corner of your Inbox Table.

Archive button on inbox table.

Step 2:

You will automatically be directed to your new achieved messages. Click the message you want to view. Once you open and read your archived messages, they will move into the "Read" inbox tab.

NOTE: Messages will automatically be moved into your archived messages after being in your inbox for over a year.

Archived view of the inbox.

NOTE: If you Opt-Out of emails, you will continue receiving messages within your ACEMAPP inbox.

View of what populates in the sent section when opt-out of emails.