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Incomplete Member Report
Member Types:
The Incomplete Member report provides a list of any members (i.e., Students, Faculty, etc.) that have not completed all requirements for a specific program. 
Tips & Tricks: Managing Member Compliance (For Administrators)
Member Types:
The video covers tips and tricks for navigating the system and managing member compliance. The tips we cover apply to all ACEMAPP administrators.
Overview of Member Affiliated Table
Member Types:
The overview of your member's affiliated table is meant to help you get familiar with the layout and show you what you can do from the affiliations table. Please see the other help desk guides link for more detail on various functions.
Checking Member Compliance with School and Site Requirements
Member Types:
This tutorial will cover how to check member compliance in ACEMAPP. If you have any questions, please contact us. 
Rotation Member Compliance Report
Member Types:
The Rotation Member Compliance report shows all non-compliant members by rotation, along with a list of their incomplete requirements.
View Assure Member Documents
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Assure offers professional document review services to its members. When you add ACEMAPP Assure to your organization's subscription, you'll create a one-stop shop for your students and/or faculty to manage academic and clinical requirements. Follow this guide to view Assure Member documents.
Rotation Member Report
Member Types:
The Rotation Member Report is a way to view your members by rotation, along with information on the rotation.
Member Requirement Document Log
Member Types:
The Member Requirement Document Log gives entity coordinators access to various filters for viewing documents that have been uploaded by members. You can filter by "Display Approved," "Display Pending," and "Display Denied." Based on the filters set, ACEMAPP will pull all requirement documents for you to review and display audit data.
Navigating Between Dashboard and Member Home Pages
Member Types:
Access your dashboard for easy navigation between your member home pages. Set a default home page to be directed to that page upon login.
Evaluation Member List
Member Types:
Use the evaluation member list to view member evaluations and their status. Evaluations can be reset and deleted from the member list.
Expiring Member Report
Member Types:
The Expiring Member Report shows members (by member type) which have an expiring requirement within an indicated, upcoming number of days.
Create New Member Account
Member Types:
Create new member accounts for Students, Clinical Faculty, Preceptors, and Observers using the "Add One" feature.
Evaluation Committee Member
Member Types:
Evaluation committee members review and approve completed evaluations.
Checking Assure Member Requirement Compliance
Member Types:
ACEMAPP assure is a professional document review service with personalized service and support. This help desk guide provides instructions on how to review Assure member requirement compliance.
Managing Member Requirement Documents
Member Types:
ACEMAPP allows members to upload, share and store documents. As a school or clinical coordinator, if a document is required by your school or clinical site, it will need to be approved. If needed, you have the option to upload documents on behalf of students or faculty. To approve or deny requirements with documents, please follow the steps below.
Community Rotations Member Report
Member Types:
Download a list of members grouped by their individual rotations. Filter by date, program, unit, or course.
Assure Reporting
Member Types:
Please see the selected ACEMAPP reports that will pull Assure requirement data. Be sure to choose Reporting by "Rotation" and the "Assure Member" type where applicable or "Assure Package" for the (rotation) experience type.
Member Types:
An affiliation is a connection between a member and an entity
Member Requirement Report
Member Types:
The Requirement Compliance report helps by showing you the current status of members' requirements. Note: In order to view a historical record of a member's requirements, please use the Profile Completion Report.
Member Applications Report
Member Types:
This report will show you all directly affiliated students with applications and the status of the application.
Tips & Tricks: Announcements
Member Types:
This tips & tricks video is intended to help our admin members use the member announcements feature. Watch the video or follow the steps outlined to learn these key techniques.
Member Rotation Requirement Report
Member Types:
The Member Rotation Requirement Report lists all requirement items that affect members.
Managing Member Tiered Requirements
Member Types:
Tiered requirements are divided into separate groups for completion and are used to manage requirements belonging to a series. Please review the description in the tiered requirement to ensure member documents or completion dates are uploaded/entered into the appropriate group to meet compliance. The student must select only one group to upload/enter completion dates according to how they meet compliance.
Approving Affiliations with Schools or Clinical Sites
Member Types:
As an ACEMAPP member, your affiliations represent who you work with the system and which organizations can access your information. When a school or clinical site requests an affiliation, you will be notified via email and see the "You Have a Pending Affiliation Request(s)" notification upon logging into ACEMAPP.
Member Assignment Report
Member Types:
The Member Assignment Report lists members and shows current rotations they are assigned to.