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Observer User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP is a collaborative platform for healthcare education, compliance, and recruitment. Our Observer User Guide provides instructions on how to get started in ACEMAPP by completing your profile and navigating to your home page to complete requirements and learning materials.
Adding a New Admin User
Member Types:
This help desk guide provides instructions on how to add a new admin user to your organization.
Replicate Rotations
Member Types:
The Replicate Rotations tool allows you to re-request rotations previously created in ACEMAPP. When replicating rotations, you will have the opportunity to change the details of the rotation and add new rotations based on your current needs.
Getting Started with ACEMAPP
Member Types:
Let's get you started with ACEMAPP and find the right user guide for you.
Submitting Applications
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Applications are used to assist members with requesting a clinical rotation, connecting with an entity as an employee, and observing/shadowing opportunities. This is a feature and my not be present for the organization you are interested in.
Member Types:
School Coordinators can see a faux view of a member's account (student, high school student, company staff, and observers). This feature is view only with no option to click on anything but will give you an idea of what the member sees from their main dashboard.
Create Time Logs
Member Types:
Time logs track your time spent with preceptors. You can connect your time logs to the specific skills that were observed, assisted with, or performed during your time with your preceptor.
Create New Member Account
Member Types:
Create new member accounts for Students, Clinical Faculty, Preceptors, and Observers using the "Add One" feature.
Member Types:
A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or affiliate with an entity.

Applications can also be used for Observation opportunities or to designate as an Employee with a clinical site, allowing the entity access to manage the member's requirements.