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Checking Assure Member Requirement Compliance
Member Types:
ACEMAPP assure is a professional document review service with personalized service and support. This help desk guide provides instructions on how to review Assure member requirement compliance.
Assure Admin User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Assure offers professional document review services to its members. This help desk guide is intended to be a general resource for Assure Admins and contains links to related help desk guides.
Assure Member User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Assure is a professional document review service with personalized service and support. You are responsible for uploading your Assure requirement documentation for review. Documents are stored on a secure platform and can be accessed anytime by your file manager in ACEMAPP.
View Assure Member Documents
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Assure offers professional document review services to its members. When you add ACEMAPP Assure to your organization's subscription, you'll create a one-stop shop for your students and/or faculty to manage academic and clinical requirements. Follow this guide to view Assure Member documents.
Assure Reporting
Member Types:
Please see the selected ACEMAPP reports that will pull Assure requirement data. Be sure to choose Reporting by "Rotation" and the "Assure Member" type where applicable or "Assure Package" for the (rotation) experience type.
Assure Requirement Packages
Member Types:
An Assure package is a set of requirements assigned to an Assure member. The Assure requirements included in a package and the approval criteria for documents uploaded to Assure requirements
Create Assure Members and Assign Packages
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Assure offers professional document review services to its members. This help desk guide provides instructions for Assure School Users on how to create Assure member accounts and assign Assure packages.
Preceptor User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP is a collaborative platform for healthcare education, compliance, and recruitment. Please stay up to date with your ACEMAPP account, including checking your inbox for reminders and alerts.
Student User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP is a collaborative platform for healthcare education, compliance, and recruitment. Your responsibility is to stay up to date with your ACEMAPP account, including checking your inbox for reminders and alerts.
Checking Member Compliance with School and Site Requirements
Member Types:
This tutorial will cover how to check member compliance in ACEMAPP. If you have any questions, please contact us. 
Checking Evaluation Completion Status
Member Types:
If your organization allows access to check evaluation completion status, follow the steps below to view the status of member evaluations.
Faculty User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP is a collaborative platform for healthcare education, compliance, and recruitment. Your responsibility is to stay up to date with your ACEMAPP account, including checking your inbox for reminders and alerts.
Checking Compliance with your Affiliations
Member Types:
The Affiliations section on your Home page will show compliance for the school and rotations you are affiliated with in ACEMAPP.
Adding a New Admin User
Member Types:
This help desk guide provides instructions on how to add a new admin user to your organization.
Requirement Ownership Report
Member Types:
If your entity is utilizing the Requirement Ownership feature, this report gives you a quick view and access to those members which have not been checked by an authorized user.
Clinical Site User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP is a collaborative platform for healthcare education, compliance, and recruitment. Our Clinical User guide covers everything you need to know to get up and running quickly, including logging into your account, navigating the platform, and accessing essential resources to help manage rotations.
School User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP provides a secure online platform for schools to manage student clinical experiences. Our School User guide covers everything you need to know to get up and running quickly, including logging into your account, navigating the platform, and accessing essential resources to help manage learners.
Observer User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP is a collaborative platform for healthcare education, compliance, and recruitment.
Community Admin User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP is a collaborative platform for healthcare education, compliance, and recruitment.
Remove an Admin User
Member Types:
This help desk guide outlines how to request the removal of an admin user.
Structured Forms on Demand: User
Member Types:
Structured Forms on Demand is an optional feature in ACEMAPP that allows you to fill in a pre-defined form or manage forms filled in by other members.
Update Admin User Access to Programs & Permissions
Member Types:
This help desk guide outlines how to update program access and permissions for your organization's admins.
Case Log Report
Member Types:
Case Log Reports will take all case logs attached to your account and present them in a more user-friendly format.  You can generate reports at any time to monitor your experience and type of experience.
Coordinator Case Log Report
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Case Log reports gather and analyze case log information into a user-friendly format.
Add and Remove Vendor Admins
Member Types:
This article will walk you through the steps to add a new vendor admin user to your organization.