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Managing Member Requirement Dates
Member Types:
As a school or clinical coordinator, you can enter individual completion and expiration dates for requirements. Bulk uploading requirement dates allows you to enter dates for multiple students at the same time.
Managing Member Tiered Requirements
Member Types:
Tiered requirements are divided into separate groups for completion and are used to manage requirements belonging to a series. Please review the description in the tiered requirement to ensure member documents or completion dates are uploaded/entered into the appropriate group to meet compliance. The student must select only one group to upload/enter completion dates according to how they meet compliance.
Rotation Requirement List
Member Types:
The Rotation Requirement List allows you to see any items members assigned to the rotation roster need to complete and how it affects their compliance.
Member Types:
A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

Most requirements must be completed for compliance, but some do not affect compliance.
Tips & Tricks: Managing Member Compliance (For Administrators)
Member Types:
The video covers tips and tricks for navigating the system and managing member compliance. The tips we cover apply to all ACEMAPP administrators.
Requirement Configuration View
Member Types:
Requirement Configuration allows coordinators to view how requirements, courses, modules, assessments, shared fields, SCORMs, and more are set up for your Entity in ACEMAPP.
Member Requirement Document Log
Member Types:
The Member Requirement Document Log gives entity coordinators access to various filters for viewing documents that have been uploaded by members. You can filter by "Display Approved," "Display Pending," and "Display Denied." Based on the filters set, ACEMAPP will pull all requirement documents for you to review and display audit data.
Member Requirement Report
Member Types:
The Requirement Compliance report helps by showing you the current status of members' requirements. Note: In order to view a historical record of a member's requirements, please use the Profile Completion Report.
Tips & Tricks: Managing Compliance (For Students)
Member Types:
This tips & tricks video is intended to help our students easily understand their home page and track compliance in ACEMAPP. Watch the video above or follow the steps outlined below to learn more.
Checking Assure Member Requirement Compliance
Member Types:
ACEMAPP assure is a professional document review service with personalized service and support. This help desk guide provides instructions on how to review Assure member requirement compliance.
Managing Member Requirement Documents
Member Types:
ACEMAPP allows members to upload, share and store documents. As a school or clinical coordinator, if a document is required by your school or clinical site, it will need to be approved. If needed, you have the option to upload documents on behalf of students or faculty. To approve or deny requirements with documents, please follow the steps below.
Accessing Clinical Site Requirement Documents
Member Types:
View documents that members download, complete, and upload for clinical site requirements.
Requirement Ownership Report
Member Types:
If your entity is utilizing the Requirement Ownership feature, this report gives you a quick view and access to those members which have not been checked by an authorized user.
Managing Membership Status
Member Types:
Using the bulk manage feature is easy to change a student member's status in ACEMAPP between Active, Graduated, and On Hold.
Employee Designation: Managing Employee Requests
Member Types:
Adding a member as an employee of your organization will allow you to quickly manage their requirements and assessments. Additionally, this will allow the member to be assigned to rotations without the need to fulfill certain requirements.
Managing Your Preceptor Schedule
Member Types:
Preceptor Account- Manage Your Schedule
Managing Employee Applications
Member Types:
Managing Employee Applications for Institutions > ACEMAPP Applications can serve a number of purposes. If using ACEMAPP applications to manage employee designations this is how you can access and manage
Managing Your ACEMAPP Inbox
Member Types:
Managing your messages is easier than ever using your personal ACEMAPP Inbox. Your ACEMAPP Inbox tracks and stores essential communications regarding your clinical education process.
Member Rotation Requirement Report
Member Types:
The Member Rotation Requirement Report lists all requirement items that affect members.
Historical Requirement Documents
Member Types:
Your previously uploaded requirement documents are saved on our file server allow you to have access to them at any time.
Faculty Document Access
Member Types:
Faculty document access allows faculty members assigned to a rotation to manage requirement documents associated with that rotation. Schools may contact ACEMAPP Customer Support to enable the faculty document manager feature.
Guest School FAQ
Member Types:
Here are some common questions and answers for setting up your student(s) in ACEMAPP. This guide provides helpful information on the entire process, from logging in to managing your students' compliance.
Review Rotation Requests
Member Types:
Reviewing rotation requests is a vital part of coordinating clinical rotations effectively. This guide will lead you through various methods to review and manage these requests efficiently.
Directory: Manage Members
Member Types:
The Directory system allows you to create and manage accounts specific to your organization. This includes adding programs, sharing across multiple facilities or schools, managing schedules, providing preceptor details, and license information. This also provides your students and faculty to view this directory list.
Managing Evaluations
Member Types:
Generate and distribute customized evaluations to your members.