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Profile, Payment, and Home Page Navigation
Member Types:
Member guide to completing the profile, submitting a membership payment, and navigating to the home page in ACEMAPP.
Member Types:
The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.
Create or Edit Your Community Profile
Member Types:
Your community profile allows you to share information about your organization with ACEMAPP members. To create or update your entity's community profile, please follow the steps outlined below.
Profile Photo Upload
Member Types:
Upload a Profile Picture
Completing Your Profile
Member Types:
Completing your profile is an essential step to meet clinical rotation compliance. This guide from the help desk offers instructions for filling out each section of your profile.
Completing your Preceptor Profile
Member Types:
I'm a Preceptor in ACEMAPP, now what? To complete your preceptor account, make sure to complete your profile information.
Profile Completion Report
Member Types:
After the rotation is approved and everyone assigned to the rotation shows compliance, you will receive an email with a Profile Completion Report attached. You may also access an up-to-date Profile Completion Report in ACEMAPP.
Entity Profile
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Entity Profiles provide a space for schools and clinical sites to share information about their facilities.
Custom Field
Member Types:
A Custom Field is part of the Profile displaying customized prompts from an Entity.

Custom Fields may affect compliance.
Member Types:
The Roster tracks members assigned to a rotation and gives the clinical site access to view the rotation information, member compliance records, and member profile data.

The Rotation Roster will only send to a clinical site partner assigned to a rotation once the Rotation is in Approved status and all assigned members have met compliance.
Setting Entity Edit Permission
Member Types:
Students and School Coordinators must work together to ensure that information in ACEMAPP matches what is used by the school and clinical site. A student has control of the General Information in their profile. In some cases, schools and clinical sites will also want to have the ability to edit this information. Students must grant permission to their respective entity if the entity wants to be able to update student's general information. 
Roster (Profile Completion Report) Sent
Member Types:
Rosters track members (students, faculty, etc.) that will be at each clinical site. The rotation roster gives the clinical site access to view the rotation information, member compliance records, and member profile data. The Rotation Roster Set email includes a link to download the Profile Completion Report.
Custom Fields
Member Types:
Your school or clinical site may gather information using Custom Fields. Custom Fields are located on your home page and can also be accessed through the Custom Fields tab of your profile.
File Manager
Member Types:
The file manager allows you to upload documents stored securely in ACEMAPP to access anytime. Any documents you upload to the file manager will only be accessible to you unless shared. This includes requirements, profile pictures, support ticket attachments, etc.
Access/Membership Start Date
Member Types:
The Access/Membership Start Date corresponds to the member's first-year membership period. Members receive access to ACEMAPP 30 days before this date to begin completing their profile, requirements, and assessments. If your member is attending a rotation, this date should be set to 2-4 weeks before their first rotation start date, although this may differ based on the clinical site.
Accessing Your ACEMAPP Transcript
Member Types:
Your ACEMAPP transcript is a great way to review and export the information stored in ACEMAPP. Your ACEMAPP transcript includes your general profile information, requirements & assessments history, rotation history, and other information stored in ACEMAPP.
Due Date
Member Types:
This date corresponds to the start of the member's first-year membership period. Members receive access to ACEMAPP 30 days prior to this date to begin completing their profile, requirements, and assessments.

If your member is attending a rotation, this date should be set to 2-4 weeks before their first rotation start date, although this may differ based on the clinical site.
Member Requirement Report
Member Types:
The Requirement Compliance report helps by showing you the current status of members' requirements. Note: In order to view a historical record of a member's requirements, please use the Profile Completion Report.
View Faculty Postings
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Careers allows faculty to search for and match with faculty postings. 
Member Types:
A quick guide to using Markdown to create content for Landing Pages/Entity Profiles.
Membership Period: How to Make a Payment
Member Types:
Your membership date is set by your School Coordinator upon registration into ACEMAPP, and is good for one year. This information is located on the left-side of your dashboard in the "Membership Period" window.
Learning Materials for Students & Faculty
Member Types:
Your school and/or clinical site requires you to complete courses and assessments prior to the start of your rotation.
Tips & Tricks: Managing Compliance (For Students)
Member Types:
This tips & tricks video is intended to help our students easily understand their home page and track compliance in ACEMAPP. Watch the video above or follow the steps outlined below to learn more.
InfoMart (Advantage Students)
Member Types:
ACEMAPP interfaces with Advantage Students (by InfoMart) to simplify the compliance process for members. Advantage Students provides background check and drug screening services.
Overview of the Rotation Table
Member Types:
The Overview of your rotation table is meant to help you get familiar with the layout and show you what you can do from the rotation table. Please see the other help desk guides link for more detail on various functions.