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Search and Request Partnerships
Member Types:
The partnership directory is where schools and clinical sites manage their partnerships in ACEMAPP. Use the partnership directory to request new partnerships and manage partnership documents. Schools must have an active partnership with the clinical site to request a rotation.
Overview of Rotation Request Form
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Overview of the rotation request form explains the various features and functions when requesting a rotation.
Withdraw Approved Rotations
Member Types:
If you no longer need an approved rotation, please withdraw the rotation request to make it available to others.
Member Types:
A request made by a member for a rotation opportunity or affiliate with an entity.

Applications can also be used for Observation opportunities or to designate as an Employee with a clinical site, allowing the entity access to manage the member's requirements.
Approving Affiliations with Schools or Clinical Sites
Member Types:
As an ACEMAPP member, your affiliations represent who you work with the system and which organizations can access your information. When a school or clinical site requests an affiliation, you will be notified via email and see the "You Have a Pending Affiliation Request(s)" notification upon logging into ACEMAPP.
Replicate Rotations
Member Types:
The Replicate Rotations tool allows you to re-request rotations previously created in ACEMAPP. When replicating rotations, you will have the opportunity to change the details of the rotation and add new rotations based on your current needs.
Review Rotation Requests
Member Types:
Reviewing rotation requests is a vital part of coordinating clinical rotations effectively. This guide will lead you through various methods to review and manage these requests efficiently.
Managing Member Affiliation Requests
Member Types:
Manage affiliations of students or members that are still pending approval, either your approval or theirs.
Partner Partner Directory Feature
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As a Health System or School System admin in ACEMAPP, this optional feature allows you to be able to request partnerships for entities that fall under your direct umbrella with partners they need to be partnered with.
Remove an Admin User
Member Types:
This help desk guide outlines how to request the removal of an admin user.
View Rotation Catalog - Schools
Member Types:
Clinical sites set rotation availability using the rotation catalog. Schools and members can then view the rotation catalog and request available slots.
Add an Existing Member to a New Program
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Add an existing member to a new program or change their current program.
Member Types:
Please follow these steps to create a rotation request with one of your partnered entities in ACEMAPP.
Member Types:
Creating surveys is a feature available to school and clinical site users by request. Please contact ACEMAPP Support if you are interested in creating a survey.
Employee Designation: How to Request Employee Status
Member Types:
Some ACEMAPP Clinical Sites allow you to connect directly as an employee. Applying to affiliate directly with the Clinical Site allows them to manage your ACEMAPP account and manage any Requirements or Learning Materials you may have already completed outside of ACEMAPP.
Rotation Application List Export
Member Types:
Rotation Applications allows members to request directly with your organization. This is an additional feature in ACEMAPP, please contact ACEMAPP Support for assistance.
Employee Designation: Managing Employee Requests
Member Types:
Adding a member as an employee of your organization will allow you to quickly manage their requirements and assessments. Additionally, this will allow the member to be assigned to rotations without the need to fulfill certain requirements.
Create/Add Course Info for Rotation Requests
Member Types:
This article will outline how to create courses for rotation requests, as well as how to add additional course information in ACEMAPP.
Partnerships: Approve & Deny Requests
Member Types:
The partnership directory is where schools and clinical sites manage their partnerships in ACEMAPP. Use the partnership directory to manage partnership requests and partnership documents.
Assure Admin User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Assure offers professional document review services to its members. This help desk guide is intended to be a general resource for Assure Admins and contains links to related help desk guides.
Guest School FAQ
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Here are some common questions and answers for setting up your student(s) in ACEMAPP. This guide provides helpful information on the entire process, from logging in to managing your students' compliance.
School User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP provides a secure online platform for schools to manage student clinical experiences. Our School User guide covers everything you need to know to get up and running quickly, including logging into your account, navigating the platform, and accessing essential resources to help manage learners.
Create Assure Members and Assign Packages
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Assure offers professional document review services to its members. This help desk guide provides instructions for Assure School Users on how to create Assure member accounts and assign Assure packages.
Add and Remove Vendor Admins
Member Types:
This article will walk you through the steps to add a new vendor admin user to your organization.
Create New Member Account
Member Types:
Create new member accounts for Students, Clinical Faculty, Preceptors, and Observers using the "Add One" feature.