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Signing Forms Electronically
Member Types:
ACEMAPP allows schools and clinical sites to cut down on paperwork by providing members with the ability to sign documents electronically.
Structured Forms on Demand: User
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Structured Forms on Demand is an optional feature in ACEMAPP that allows you to fill in a pre-defined form or manage forms filled in by other members.
Submitting Structured Forms On Demand
Member Types:
Structured Forms On Demand allow members to submit a form specific to a rotation.
Structured Forms on Demand: Members
Member Types:
Your organization may send a Structured Form for you to complete for data and record purposes. This form does not affect compliance.
Form Hours Report
Member Types:
The Form Hours Report allows you, as the School Coordinator/Instructor, to view the total hours that students have logged for a specific course. This report will also provide further details, including what forms were approved by the school and the specific rotation ID number. You may view the results in your browser or export this data to a spreadsheet for your records.
Completing Evaluations
Member Types:
Your school and/or clinical site may assign you an evaluation to complete in ACEMAPP. You will receive a notification on your home page when you have an evaluation that you need to complete.
View Partner Requirements
Member Types:
The Partnership Requirement table allows school and clinical site users to view the items set up for their partnering organizations. In this area, you can view how requirements, courses, modules, assessments, shared fields, SCORMs, and more are set up for the partner organization in ACEMAPP.
Member Types:
Connect with your peers online using ACEMAPP Forums. View topics that interest you, read what other people are saying, or start a new thread of discussion.
Parental Release Form
Member Types:
ACEMAPP complies with FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), a federal law created to protect the privacy of students' education records. 
Overview of Rotation Request Form
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Overview of the rotation request form explains the various features and functions when requesting a rotation.
Course Assignment
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You may assign students and course admins to all required courses for their program at once. Their courses and requirements will not be visible until the course start date.
Accessing Clinical Site Requirement Documents
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View documents that members download, complete, and upload for clinical site requirements.
Requirement Configuration View
Member Types:
Requirement Configuration allows coordinators to view how requirements, courses, modules, assessments, shared fields, SCORMs, and more are set up for your Entity in ACEMAPP.
Completing Evaluation Awaiting Approval
Member Types:
When you receive a notification that you have an evaluation "Awaiting Approval," follow these steps to review the evaluation and sign off electronically.
My Calendar
Member Types:
The ACEMAPP My Calendar is a valuable tool that allows you a broad view of important dates, such as expiring requirements, events you signed up for, and rotations you are assigned to.
Coordinator Contact
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The Coordinator Contact Form allows you the ability to update your contact information and share with other coordinators.
Evaluation Committee Member
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Evaluation committee members review and approve completed evaluations.
Requirement Ownership Report
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If your entity is utilizing the Requirement Ownership feature, this report gives you a quick view and access to those members which have not been checked by an authorized user.
Omni Search
Member Types:
Quickly search for information across ACEMAPP with the Omni Search.
Evaluation Results Report Page
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Report on aggregate and individual evaluation results.
Manage Rotation Catalog - Clinical Sites
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The rotation catalog system allows clinical sites to set rotation availability for a given unit.
Create Units
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You can easily create 'Units' for your clinical institution, allowing you to have multiple units.
Replicate Rotations
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The Replicate Rotations tool allows you to re-request rotations previously created in ACEMAPP. When replicating rotations, you will have the opportunity to change the details of the rotation and add new rotations based on your current needs.
Managing Member Tiered Requirements
Member Types:
Tiered requirements are divided into separate groups for completion and are used to manage requirements belonging to a series. Please review the description in the tiered requirement to ensure member documents or completion dates are uploaded/entered into the appropriate group to meet compliance. The student must select only one group to upload/enter completion dates according to how they meet compliance.
Bulk Upload New Members
Member Types:
Bulk uploading members is a quick and efficient way to add new members for management in ACEMAPP.