Article: Completing your Preceptor Profile

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Completing your Preceptor Profile
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As a preceptor in ACEMAPP, your profile includes information that determines how you appear in student searches. This help desk guide provides instructions on how to complete your profile.

Step 1:

Navigate to your profile by clicking your "Name" in the upper right corner and selecting "Profile" from the drop-down menu.

Name/avatar dropdown highlighting Profie button.

Step 2:

Complete all Required Profile Fields.

  • Profile sections that are incomplete and required have a red X on each Tab in the Navigation Table.
  • Profile sections that are complete have a green check on the tab in the Navigation Table.
  • Profile sections that are optional have a grey dash on each tab in the Navigation Table.

Once each area has all the required information filled out, click "Save" to save your changes for each section.

NOTE: Profile fields that are required have an Orange Bar on the left side of each field.

Profile navigation with tabs showing incomplete (red X), complete (green check), and optional (grey dash) indicators.

Step 3:

You must verify each email address linked to your account to receive important notifications regarding rotations, requirements, and other essential membership information. To manage your email addresses, click the "Email" tab, which will open a new window.

Profile navigation with the 'Email' tab highlighted.

After making changes, please click the green "Save" button, then close out the window or click "Collaboration" to return to your profile.

Account core profile with 'Email' tab, green 'Save' button, and 'Collaboration' button highlighted.

NOTE: To ensure you receive all emails from ACEMAPP, please add our email domain or our email addresses ( and to your email contacts list.

Step 4:

Complete the "Preceptor" tab of your profile. Update your settings on whether you appear in searches, if you are accepting new requests, and provide additional information about yourself as a preceptor.

When all information is entered, click "Save" or "Save & Manage Schedules" to save your changes and then open the Schedule page.

Preceptor tab with 'Save' and 'Save & Manage Schedules' buttons highlighted.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

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