Article: Parental Release Form

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Parental Release Form
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ACEMAPP complies with FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), a federal law created to protect the privacy of students' education records. FERPA also provides guidelines on how to use and release those records. While ACEAMPP respects the right of the student to determine their parent's involvement, we encourage open communication with parents. The Parental Release form gives consent from the student to release their education records in accordance with FERPA.

Step 1:

To access the Parental Release form, log in to ACEMAPP and click on your "Name" in the top-right corner of any ACEMAPP page, then click "Profile" from the Personal section of the drop-down.
Member top nav bar highlighting Name/Avatar dropdown button and Profile button.

Step 2:

In the Navigation box on the Profile page, click "Parental Release" to open the form.
Profile form highlighting Parental Release button.

Step 3:

Complete the following sections of the Parental Release form:

Can your parents claim you as a dependent on their federal income tax? Click the appropriate option.
Parental Release example form highlighting radio buttons.

Even if your parents cannot claim you as a dependent on their federal tax return, you can still agree to let Michigan Health Council - ACEMAPP release your records to your parents by continuing to fill in the form. Click "Yes" stating you are giving consent.
Parental Release form highlighting toggle button.

Fill in the information to whom you wish to release access to your records. Parental Release form example.

Provide your electronic signature in the box provided and click "Save" to save your form.

Electronic signature input highlighting Save button

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.