Article: Add and Remove Vendor Admins

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Add and Remove Vendor Admins
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This article will walk you through the steps to add a new Admin user to your vendor organization.

To add a new vendor admin user to your organization:

Step 1:

From your Vendor Admin home page, select "Admin Accounts" Vendor nav bar highlighting Admin Accounts button.

Step 2:

Select the "Request Change" button. Admin Accounts table highlighting Request Change button.

Step 3:

On the Request Change page, ensure that "New Admin" is selected under Action and enter all required fields, denoted by the orange bar to the left of each field. Select the "Save" button when all fields are completed.

Request Change form highlighting Action selector, First Name, Last Name, and Email Address fields.

To remove an existing vendor admin to your organization:

Step 1:

Follow Steps 1 and 2 above to navigate to the Request Change page.

Step 2:

On the Request Change page, ensure that "Remove Admin" is selected under Action and select the admin name that needs to be removed from your organization in the "Admin to Remove" area. Select the "Save" button when the correct Admin has been selected.

Request Change form highlighting Actions selector, Admin to Remove field and Save button.

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