Article: Preceptor Assignment Report

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Preceptor Assignment Report
Member Types:

Preceptor Assignment Report

The Preceptor Assignment Report lists preceptors and shows the current rotation(s) they are assigned to.

Step 1:

From your Home Page, click the "Reporting" tab in your navigation bar to open the "Reporting Dashboard."

Reporting tab on nav bar.

Step 2:

On your Reporting Dashboard, click on "View All" to show you all reports in ACEMAPP. Then, in the Search Field, you can search for Preceptor. Click "Run Report" on the Preceptor Assignment report to open the report.

Reporting dashboard page pointing to Preceptor Assignment Report tile.

Step 3:

The Report Filters are optional:

Member's Program(s):

  • Runs the report for those listed Program(s).
    NOTE: You can only search programs that you have with your entity.

Focus Areas:

  • Run the report looking for the listed Focus or Specialty Areas.

Rotations, staring on or after:

  • Searches for preceptors assigned to a rotation that started on or after this date.

Rotations ending on or before:

  • Searches for preceptors assigned to a rotation that ends before or on this date.

Rotation Status:

  • Pending, Pre-Approved, Needs Info, Approved, Completed, Archived (Completed)
    NOTE: Selecting Archived (Completed) will net all completed rotations and may take a while to compile the report. Please do not leave/refresh your screen.

The default when none are selected are:

  • Pending
  • Pre-Approved
  • Needs Info
  • Approved

Step 4:

Click the "Submit" button to run the report and view your results.

Report filters section pointing to Submit button.

Export Report:

To export the results to a CSV, click "Export" to compile the results into a CSV file.

Click the created "CSV Download" when it becomes available.

Results section pointing to export button.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

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ACEMAPP Reporting
ACEMAPP's Reporting feature allows administrators and clinical coordinators to pull information from within ACEMAPP. Coordinators can select from the multiple reporting options and build and save custom reports for regularly ran queries.