Article: LMS SCORM Results

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Article: LMS SCORM Results content

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Member Types:

Using the SCORM Results, you can view the results of all members per SCORM, and in some cases, delete failed attempts from the report.

Step 1:

From your Home Screen, click on "Members". Select the member type under either Affiliation or Rotation.

NOTE: Depending on the member type, if the member is directly connected to your entity, you would select Affiliated. If the member is connected by rotation only, you would select Rotation.

User home screen highlighting members dropdown menu selections.

NOTE: You can also switch the view-by in the report as well.

Step 2:

On the Manage by table click "Manage" and then click "SCORM Scores".

Manage student by rotation table highlighting manage dropdown and SCROM scores button.

Step 3:

The LMS SCORM Results page will list SCORMs connected to your organization.

Click on the "Results" button to view results for that SCORM.

LMS SCORM Results page highlighting view results buttons.

Step 4:

The Results Table allows you to view individual attempts or delete failed attempts.

NOTE: You CAN NOT delete Passed attempts.

To View Individual Attempts

Step 1:

While on the Results Table click the "View button.

This screen will show what is reported from the SCORM module.

Please Note: SCORM modules are presented to ACEMAPP from 3rd parties and are considered AS-IS.

To Delete Failed Attempts

Step 1:

While on the Results Table click the "Delete button.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

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