Article: Incomplete Member Report

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Incomplete Member Report
Member Types:

The Incomplete Member report lists any members (i.e., Students, Faculty, etc.) that have not completed all requirements for a specific program. 

Step 1:

Click the "Reporting" tab from your homepage to open the Reporting Dashboard.

Nav bar highlighting reporting tab on the home page.

Step 2:

On the " Reporting Dashboard," click "Run Report" under "Incomplete Member".

Reporting dashboard highlighting Incomplete Member report panel.

Step 3:

The Incomplete Member Report allows you to view by Rotation or Affiliation. You may switch between "View by Rotation" and "View by Affiliation" using the buttons on the right.

Viewing by Affiliation will display members (i.e., Students, Faculty, etc.) directly connected with your organization and all requirements for the program you select.

Viewing by Rotation will display members (i.e., Students, Faculty, etc.) related to one of your Active or Pending rotations for the selected program, along with any requirements.

View by affiliation and view by rotation buttons in the incomplete member report.

Step 4:

Select a "Member Type" and a "Program."

Fields to select a member type and program for the incomplete member report.

Step 5:

You also have the option to display completion and expiration dates for requirements that have already been completed.

Display dates toggle on incomplete member report.

Step 6:

When viewing by rotation, optional filters are available to narrow the report results. Filter by a specific rotation by selecting the rotation from the "Rotation" drop-down. Other optional filters include experience, unit, partnership, start date, end date, and rotation status.

Click "Submit" to view the report.

View by rotation button and submit button for the incomplete member report.


To export all results, click the "Generate CSV" button. When the CSV is ready to download, a pop-up window to download the CSV file will open.

Generate CSV button on incomplete member report.

Emailing From Report

Email members directly from the Incomplete Member report by checking the box next to the members you wish to email. Then, click the "Email Selected" button. Or, you may use the email feature on the left to select the members you want to email, then click "Email All Selected." Follow the on-screen prompts to compose and send the email.

Email selected button and email all selected button in the incomplete member report.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

The end of a member’s billable, 365-day membership.

Renewal of membership is paid by the member or the entity managing them.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

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