Tiered requirements allow for different options to complete the overall requirement. These options, or "tiers," are determined by the organization for which the requirement is set up.
Be sure to read the Requirement Description that includes Instructions on how to complete each tiered requirement.
To navigate to your appropriate home page. (Assure Members should upload requirements to their Assure Member Home page.)
Click on your "Name", then from your Navigation table, select the member type you want to view.
From your Home page, locate the tiered requirement in the Requirements section.
The crossed arrows identify tiered requirements next to the requirement name. Click the "Manage Requirement" button.
You must read the Requirement Description to know which Group to upload your documents to meet the overall requirement. There is a requirement description for the overall requirement and a description for each selected tier.
Choose one Group and upload the required documents to each Level of that selected Group only.
NOTE: All Levels within a Group MUST be completed to show compliance with the requirement overall.
Complete the required fields to upload.
NOTE: If your document is uploaded correctly, the status will reflect it as pending. Your requirement is incomplete until it's approved.
* If you have questions, please contact ACEMAPP at support@acemapp.org or 844-223-4292.
A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.
A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.
A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.
A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.
A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.
A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.