Article: Access/Membership Start Date

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Access/Membership Start Date
Member Types:

When creating a new student account, it is required for you to enter an Access/Due Date. This date corresponds to the start of the member's first-year membership period. Members receive access to ACEMAPP 30 days prior to this date to begin completing their profile, requirements, and assessments. If your member is attending a rotation, this date should be set to 2-4 weeks before their first rotation start date, although this may differ based on the clinical site.

To update the Access/Membership Start Date for a Student:

Step 1:

In your Navigation Bar, click the "Members" tab, and then select "Student" in the Affiliation column.

User home page highlighting Members dropdown and Student under affiliation button.

Step 2:

Select or search for the Student.

Manage student table highlighting Search field.

Step 3:

Click the "Edit" (pencil icon) button in the Actions column.

Manage student table highlighting Edit button.

Step 4:

On the Edit Member screen, click "Access/Membership Start Date" in the Navigation box.

Edit Member form highlighting Access/Membership Start Date button.

Step 5:

In the Access/Membership Start Date field, enter the date, then click "Save" to make the changes for the student.

Access/Membership Start Date form highlighting Start Date field and Save button.

IMPORTANT: If the student has already logged into their account, you may be unable to change this date.

This date corresponds to the start of the member's first-year membership period. Members receive access to ACEMAPP 30 days prior to this date to begin completing their profile, requirements, and assessments.

If your member is attending a rotation, this date should be set to 2-4 weeks before their first rotation start date, although this may differ based on the clinical site.

The 365-day access period for any billable member type.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

The 365-day access period for any billable member type.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

The 365-day access period for any billable member type.

The 365-day access period for any billable member type.

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