Article: Accessing a Member's ePortfolio

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Article: Accessing a Member's ePortfolio content

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Accessing a Member's ePortfolio
Member Types:

Access a member's ePortfolio to review the educational, professional, and extracurricular accomplishments they have uploaded into ACEMAPP.

Step 1:

To access a member's ePortfolio from your home page, click "Members" and then under the "Affiliation" or "Rotation" column, select the appropriate member type.

Users home page highlighting Members drop-down button and member types by Affiliation and Rotation columns.

Step 2:

In the Actions column, click the "Manage" (gear icon) button to open the Manage Member screen.

Manage students table highlighting the Manage button.

Step 3:

Click on "View ePortfolio" to open that member's ePortfolio.

Manage individual member page highlighting View ePortfolio button.

NOTE: Members can determine the privacy settings on their ePortfolio.

Items marked private are visible only to the member.
Items marked as protected are visible to any ACEMAPP member while logged in.
Items marked public are visible to anyone on the internet.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

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