Article: Tags

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Member Types:

Creating and Managing Tags

It is helpful to sort students in ACEMAPP using tags. You can create tags by graduating class, cohort, or any other way that may be beneficial. You can also add multiple tags to student accounts.

Step 1:

From your home page, click "Members" and select the "Student" (or any member type) button in the Affiliation column.

User nav-bar highlighting Members dropdown and member type in the Affiliation column.

Step 2:

Click "Manage" and then select "Manage Tags".

Manage Students table highlighting Manage dropdown and Manage Tags button.

Step 3:

To create a new tag, click "Create New" at the top of the table.

Manage Tags table highlighting Create New button.

Step 4:

Enter the desired "Tag Name" (short and long), select a status, then click the "Save".

NOTE: Make sure the status is set to Active to use the tag.

Create New Tag frm highlighting Short Name, Long Name, and Status selector.

NOTE: When creating a new tag, the comma ( , ) and the vertical bar ( | ) are not allowed.

Editing an Existing Tag

NOTE: You can access the Tag area by clicking the "Tags" icon on your navigation bar. If you do not see it, click the "More" icon and select "Tags" from the drop-down.

Step 1:

Click the "Edit" (pencil) icon next to the tag you want to edit when managing your tags using the above steps.

Manage Tags table highlighting Edit button.

Step 2:

Edit the Tag Name and/or the Status (active or offline) to make your desired changes. Click "Save" to apply your changes to the tag.

Edit Tag form highlighting Long Name, Status selector, and Save button.

Adding/Removing Tags from Members

Once you create a tag, you may need to add or remove tags from users to help better organize your users in ACEMAPP.

Step 1:

From your entity home screen, click "Members" and select "Student" (or any member type) from the drop-down menu.

User nav-bar highlighting Members dropdown and Member type in the Affiliation column.

Step 2:

Select the student(s) you want to add a tag to by checking the box in front of their name and choose "Select" and then "Tag Selected" from the drop-down menu.

Manage Students table highlighting Select dropdown and Tag Selected button.

Step 3:

Choose the tag you want to use from the drop-down menu and select "Add" or "Remove."

Mass Tag pop-up highlighting Tag selector and Add and Remove buttons.

You can also add a tag to a student by clicking on the (+) symbol listed in the "Tags" column in the student's row.

Manage Students table highlighting Add button in Tags column.

You can assign the designated tag by selecting "Yes" or "No" and clicking "Save."

Tag confirmation box and Save button.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

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