Article: Create A Wall Post

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Article: Create A Wall Post content

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Create A Wall Post
Member Types:

Create a Wall Post so those connected to your community stay informed.

Step 1:

Click on the "Networking" button from your home page to open the Wall Content page. community home screen highlighting the Networking button

Step 2:

Click the "+ Create New" button on the Wall Content page to open the Edit Post page. Wall Content page highlighting create new button

Step 3:

On the Edit Post page, fill in all required fields.

  • Create the Title
  • A brief description of the Wall Post section
  • The body of the post in the Wall Page Content section.
  • Include any Wall Post Image
  • Move the Sticky toggle to 'Yes' to keep your post at the top of the page

Edit Post page pointing to required fields and save button

Click "Save" to save your post.

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