Article: Partner Partner Directory Feature

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Partner Partner Directory Feature
Member Types:

As a Health System or School System admin in ACEMAPP, this optional feature allows you to request partnerships for entities that fall under your direct umbrella with partners that they need to be partnered with.

This is an optional feature. Please reach out to an ACEMAPP Team Member for assistance.

To access the Partner Partner Directory page

Step 1:

From your home page, click on the "Partnership Directory" button.

Home screen highlighting Partnership Directory button.

Step 2:

Click the "Partner Partner Directory" button on the Partnership Directory table.

Partner Directory page highlighting Partner Partner button on Partnership table.

Partner Partner Directory page

This page will show all your partners and their partners you are already partnered with. Manage those partnerships or request a new partner partner partnership.

To Request a New Partner Partner

Step 1:

Click the "+ Create New" button on the Partner Partner Directory table.

Partner Partner Directory page highlighting Create New button.

Step 2:

On the Request page, fill in all required fields.

Required fields include:
Select a Program
Select a Partner
Select the Partner Partner

Partner partner request page highlighting required select inputs Program, Partner, and Partner Partner.

Note: The "Select a Partner Partner" field can take a good amount of time to populate due to the number of connections. Please do not refresh the page.

Step 3:

Click "Save" to save your request.

Request partner partner directory page highlighting Save button.

Once saved, you will be redirected to the Manage page. Your request is automatically sent to the partners partner for them to approve.

Manager partner partner page pointing to the current Child Partner status.

The partners partner would approve the request like any other partnership request.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

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