Coordinator Contact

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Coordinator Contact
Member Types:

The Coordinator Contact Form allows you to update and share your contact information with other coordinators. When logging in the first three times, you will only see the Coordinator Contact pop-up screen, but it can be updated anytime.**

Step 1:

Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner and select "Manage" in the drop-down.

Members name highlighting Manage button from dropdown

Step 2:

Select "Coordinator Contact" from the Navigation table.

Mange navigation panel highlighting Coordinator Contact button

Step 3:

Complete the required contact information and click "Save".

Coordinator Contact form highlighting form fields and Save button

Step 4:

Select the program tab(s) on the left to complete information on each role you manage within ACEMAPP.

Form Navigation panel highlight specific programs to open

Step 5:

Select "Yes" or "No" to make contact information available.

Select the areas you wish to be contacted about, indicate what role(s) you manage in ACEMAPP, and click "Save".

NOTE: You can complete the optional area with any other roles or information you want to provide.

Coordinator form highlighting Yes/No to hide contact and My Role select and note fields

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