Article: Verified Credentials (QualifiedFirst)

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Article: Verified Credentials (QualifiedFirst) content

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Verified Credentials (QualifiedFirst)
Member Types:

ACEMAPP interfaces with QualifiedFirst® to simplify the compliance process for you. QualifiedFirst® (by Verified Credentials) provides background checks, drug testing, and clinical requirement verification.

For questions related to QualifiedFirst®, please contact Verified Credentials Support at 800-938-6090 or email

Linking your QualifiedFirst® account with ACEMAPP:

Step 1:

From your Home screen, click the company logo in the Vendors panel to open the Connect to Vendor screen.

Members home screen highlighting QualifiedFirst button.

Step 2:

Click the green "Click to go to QualifiedFirst" button.

Connect to Vendor page highlighting Click to go to QualifiedFirst button.

Step 3:

Please enter your Username and Password to login into your QualifiedFirst® account.

QualifiedFirst's login screen example.

Step 4:

Please review the necessary information and select the checkbox to consent. The "Link My Account Now" button will then become active. Select it to initiate access.

Selecting Cancel will close the window and not complete the link.

QualifiedFirst's acknowledge confirmation page highlighting checkbox and Link My Account Now button example.

Step 5:

Agreeing to the access will display a Link Complete message. You can expect your information to be synchronized within an hour.

QualifiedFirst's Link Confirmation page example.

Step 6:

After waiting at least an hour, log in to ACEMAPP to verify the completed transferred information is correct. You will notice the green thumbs-up icon within the QualifiedFirst® logo, which indicates the accounts are linked. If the Vendor logo is selected again, the last time the data was sent will be displayed. You may also re-access QualifiedFirst® by clicking the green "Click to go to QualifiedFirst" button.

Depending on where you are in the QualifiedFirst® process, you may need to place an order for immunization and document tracking. Contact your Clinical Coordinator to receive this code.

In ACEMAPP, your profile's Requirements will show green checks for each component completed through QualifiedFirst®.

Member home screen highlighting green thumb on QualifiedFirst button.

Vendor splash screen highlighting Last Data Date


What if I need to contact QualifiedFirst® or ACEMAPP directly?

I have successfully linked my account to QualifiedFirst®, but my ACEMAPP requirements are still incomplete?

Data transfers can take up to 1 hour to be processed. Please get in touch with QualifiedFirst's support after allowing a minimum of 1 hour for data transfer.

What if I forgot my QualifiedFirst® username or password?

Follow the Forgot my password or username prompts on the QualifiedFirst® login page. If you are still unable to reset them using your email, please get in touch with Verified Credentials Support at 800-938-6090 or email

What if I want to unlink my QualifiedFirst® and ACEMAPP accounts?  

If you "Unlink" your account with ACEMAPP in QualifiedFirst®, you must contact QualifiedFirst® for assistance if you want to link your account with ACEMAPP again.

From your Home screen, click on the company logo under "Vendors." Click the green "Click to go to QualifiedFirst" button. When re-accessing QualifiedFirst from ACEMAPP after linking your account, you will see ACEMAPP as a connected app in the upper left of your dashboard. At this time, this is only present when you re-access QualifiedFirst from ACEMAPP. Select the ACEMAPP logo from the dashboard. Within the "My Account area," select the blue "Unlink button" to discontinue future updates.

QualifiedFirst's ACEMAPP unlink screen example.

QualifiedFirst's confirmation of unlink screen example.

QualifiedFirst's acknowledgment of unlink action example.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

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