Article: Directory Member Document Upload

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Article: Directory Member Document Upload content

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Directory Member Document Upload
Member Types:

The Directory system allows you to create and manage Members specific to your organization. Once you add a Directory Member, you can upload documents specific to that Member.

Upload Directory Member Documents

Step 1:

From your home screen, click the "Directory" button and then the "Members" button to access the Directory Member table.

User home screen highlighting Directory button and Members from dropdown.

Step 2:

Locate the Member whose document you want to upload (you may need to toggle between Member types.

Once you find the Member listed, click the "Member Documents" button in the Actions column.

Directory Members table highlighting Member Documents button.

Step 3:

Click on "Add Document."

Member Documents table highlighting Add Document button.

Step 4:

Verify the "Document Type" and click "Browse" to upload the document.

You can also add an expiration date and any notes.

Once you have entered the appropriate information, click "Save."

Add document form highlighting document type selector and file selection, the save button.

Edit Directory Member Document

Once the document is uploaded, its name is listed in the table. Click the "Edit" (the Pencil) icon to edit any information or delete the document.

Document table highlighting Edit button.

The end of a member’s billable, 365-day membership.

Renewal of membership is paid by the member or the entity managing them.

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Directory: Manage Members
The Directory system allows you to create and manage accounts specific to your organization. This includes adding programs, sharing across multiple facilities or schools, managing schedules, providing preceptor details, and license information. This also provides your students and faculty to view this directory list.