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Case Log Report
Member Types:

Case Log Reports will present all case logs attached to your account in a more user-friendly format. You can generate reports at any time to monitor your experience and type of experience.

Step 1:

From your home screen, click "Case Logs."
member nav-bar highlighting Case Logs button

If you do not see "Case Logs" on your home screen nav bar, click "More" and then click "Case Logs" from the drop-down.

Step 2:

Your school can have multiple Case Log Types; on the Case Log Type table, click on the appropriate log type. case log type table highlighting type column

Step 3:

Click on "Case Log Report."

case log table highlighting case log report button

Select filters (optional) - Without filters, this page will show all case logs associated with you.

To Apply filters: Select what you want to filter by and click "Submit".

image of report optional filters highlighting submit button

Step 4:

To Print the Case Log Report, click Print.

image of report header showing Print button

Historical Case Log Report

To view all case logs you have completed in one accessible report, it can be accessed via your account's Manage section.

Step 1:

From any screen, click on your name/avatar in the top right of your screen. Then click "Manage" to open the manage screen. dropdown from clicking avatar highlighting Manage button

Step 2:

Click on "Historical Case Logs" to open a complete listing of all Case Logs. manage page highlighting Historical Case Logs button

Step 3:

Click on the "Reports" button. historical case logs table highlighting Reports button

Step 4:

You may have more than one type of Case Logs filled in; select the appropriate Case Log type to open that report.

If you do not have more than one type of Case Log, you are automatically directed to the Historical Case Log Report.

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